I have a query regarding the -g argument and its auto-detect feature.
-g <gateway> Gateway for direct 44net
connections. If not
set, it will be auto-detected
- Does ampr-ripd auto-detect while it's running, or only at the
beginning of execution?
- If it only runs at execution, is it possible an <interface> could be
specified instead of <gateway_IP>?
My concern:
On my device (on the date I lost Internet for 2 hours), I lost Layer 3
connectivity to my carrier. When my gateway came back online, it had a
new IP, in a new SUBNET (and therefore, a new Gateway). My routes (and
the running ampr-ripd process) may have specified an invalid next hop
not for sending traffic to the WAN; and direct 44 connections (I
assumed) failed until reboot.
- Lynwood