I never noted I have a problem. The ipset script is the one I currently
use. As I recall, the iptables was verbatim from another operator - and
it worked as well. I can't recall who gave me that script. The ipset
script is the one I edited, per your message in 2018. I have made no
updates to the iptables script; and left lots of old notes and comments
intact - hence some of the comments may disagree.
I edited it to use ipset approximately 2 years ago, hence the remaining
while statement. I'm sure anyone utilizing the ipset script would like
it be as straightforward as possible - are you suggesting (pseudo-code
confuses me):
# load encap.txt into ipipfilter list
cd /var/lib/ampr-ripd || exit 1
ipset -N ipipfilter hash:ip 2>/dev/null
ipset flush ipipfilter
ipset -A ipipfilter $AMPRGW
grep addprivate encap.txt | sed -e 's/.*encap //' | sort -u | while read ip
ipset -A ipipfilter $ip
I tested it and it seems to work. Also believe diffutils doesn't need to
be installed, either. I'll update the OpenWrt Wiki.
I only noted it in this particular best practices/tools thread due to
messages in SEP2018:
I like to "lock down" my router as much as possible. I do understand
we've chatted in the past that my methods may be too paranoid; but I'd
prefer to have a extra step to secure the IPENCAP interface.
- Lynwood