First, you obviously don't read documentations and changelogs.
- The password is now included in the daemon, so findpass is not needed
anymore. It is there just for reference.
- All those commands you are trying assume you are root. Is this the case?
Since the questions you ask prove that you are less than proficient on
networking topics why do you insist on setting up a gateway using
ampr-ripd (or rip44d in fact, which is more than obsolete at this point)?
Let me reiterate a mail from some weeks ago...
Since everyone seems to like to use the most unusual script with
"original" settings without trying ever to understand what's happening,
I would remind you that there is a more or less "plug-and-play" solution
called amprd...
Let's assume a system with:
- 44net assignment:
- WAN on eth0 (let's assume
- LAN on eth0 (
- AMPR on eth2 (
- We choose our GW IP to be
and that the internet access from the system is already set up, with NAT
and default gateway via WAN.
1. compile (make) and install (make install) amprd
2. create the following /etc/amprd.cfg:
prefix =
rip_receive = yes
rip_save = yes
3. Set address to your eth2 interface
4. Start amprd. And basically that's it: a fully functional mesh gateway.
If you want access from the internet to your subnet, too, instead of
just starting amprd, create the following ampr startup script:
ip route add default via dev ampr0 onlink table default
ip rule add from table default
ip rule add from to table main
This should do the trick.
Marius, YO2LOJ