On 2/7/16 11:13 AM, G1FEF wrote:
Bryan, I’m not complaining, I was just replying to
Rob’s complaint. I’m
quite happy with the way it is. As I said, it is completely open to the
amateur radio community, just not the general public as it doesn’t need to
be. I’m perfectly happy to continue to bug fix and develop the code as a
background project, but if you, or others, want things doing differently or
quicker then you are very welcome to contribute to the project.
The issue is most are unwilling to contribute to a proprietary project. I
know others have brought this up before saying they would contribute if it was
open source. An example: Tom Hayward, KD7LXL said on Jan 13, 2016 "If the
portal is open sourced, expect a patch from me within the first week."
You don't get to say it's open source and freely available just to hams;
that's doublespeak. It is de facto closed proprietary software no matter how
you want to spin it.
The bigger issue is 44net relying on a piece of software without a defined
license. You could stop development of it and that would be the end of it.
There is no legal way we'd be able to use your code and continue to develop it
going forward.
I've seen this happen with countless other amateur radio developed projects,
and don't want to see it happen once again. I understand wanting to retain
control of this, but the only way it's going to grow. You're the founder and
the architect, that's not going to change.
If you wish to see unprecedented development of the portal happen, you must
open source it.
Bryan Fields
727-409-1194 - Voice
727-214-2508 - Fax