Are you saying that the rip44 protocol needs to be edited, and if so, how?
Speaking with a few of my network engineering colleagues, the only way is to have rip44
specify which interface to use; and since RIP44 is not the only method of receiving the
route table, it wouldn't provide a 100% fix.
It's much easier, and doesn't require a total reconfiguration of AMPR to simply
have Bart run a 44GW speaking rip 44 using his Public IP address as the GWip - be advised
that he is required to do so under the Terms of Service:
|3. What we don't do
|ARDC DOES NOT provide network services.
|7c. Directly routed subnets shall make provision to in turn supply connectivity to other
hams in their area (by e.g., "tunnels" or |other means).
|Definition: "AMPRNet" means the network 44/8; that is, all Internet IP
addresses from through
- Since I do not see an AMPRNet route for on AMPRNet, this address is
(currently) only an Internet address.
I also have colleagues looking over Bart's suggestion to use mangle instead of ip rule
SRC or DST =44/8; and the main thing is that it breaks the ability of 44GWs to route
traffic to other 44GWs without AMPRGW.
I think the best way might be to patch Marius ampr-ripd
if we will ever
see via on the RIP-broadcasts we get from AMPRGW.