will set up a *very* basic
system for amprnet ipencap routing pending you have a tunnel interface
already configured.
Field 1: <- ucsd
Field 2: <- ucsd
Field 3: 44.x.x.x <- your amprnet gw IP
Field 4: eth0/wlan0/wifi0/etc
The rest gives you basic IPTable rules to allow IPEncap and ax25 frames
through your firewall, route rules, and a basic route table. Load your
favorite ripv2-daemon and configure it to populate "table 1" and you'll
be off and running within the first rip broadcast (faster if you run the
munge script - no need to wait for a broadcast).
Mine looks exactly as the cgi prints:
Add this to your rc.local, or whatever init script you wish to make:
# allow IPEncapsulation and ax25 frames to gate through...
iptables -I INPUT 1 -j ACCEPT --proto 4
iptables -I INPUT 1 -j ACCEPT --proto 93
iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -j ACCEPT --proto 4
iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -j ACCEPT --proto 93
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT --proto 4
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT --proto 93
# Create a policy to encap forward to your host...
ip rule add from 44/8 pref 1 table 1
ip rule add to 44/8 pref 1 table 1
# Now let's set the routing accordingly...
ip route add 44/8 via dev tunl0 onlink src
table 1
ip route add default via dev tunl0 onlink table 1
*Whether or not you're SAFed (source address filtered) this should work
for you.
73 de Brian Rogers - N1URO
email: <n1uro(a)>
Linux Amateur Radio Services
axMail-Fax & URONode
AmprNet coordinator for:
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
and Vermont.