The migration of the gateway entries has gone quite well, we matched up a good proportion
of the old entries. If anyone still has a gateway entry they need to claim, they only have
to ask - as far as I am aware all such requests have been processed. If anyone is aware of
any "gateway claim" emails that have gone unanswered please let me know.
What we have (again) learned from the first step, the
migration of the gateway
entries, is that the method of matching and validating the existing entries with
the new portal users cannot be "send an e-mail to a single person who will handle
it". I tried to convince a couple of operators to refresh their info in the portal
when they can only create a new entry and cannot move their existing info into
it, and have no reply to their mail after a month, they lose interest and won't be
pursuing this anymore. And I am not going to ask them over and over again.
When the same has to be done for all the end-user registrations, it will be a
nightmare to get it completed.
But of course *some* validation has to be done.