The daemon doesn't care if it deals with a vlan or not.
But for interfaces which are not point to point, you will need a gateway
IP, no matter what.
For point to point links, the interface name could suffice, but this is
not supported at the moment.
There needs to be an IP address for the -g option.
Regarding the possibility of re-detection, this is not as easy as it
seems. Re-detection is easy, but another additional route management is
needed to be able to delete/change established routes (a new list,
additional checks, periodic re-detection). This is a quite big change to
be done for possible 1 system on the whole ampr network.
Can't you just detect the gateway IP change (like in a dynamic dns
detection script) and just restart ampr-ripd with a new -g parameter?
BTW, your ISP gateway (which you need to use as your gw) probably
doesn't change, only your IP.
In most dynamic IP use cases there is a router in front of the gateway.
In that case, the -g will have the router's local IP as the gateway and
would be permanently correct.
Marius, YO2LOJ