Le 11/08/2021 à 16:05, Rob PE1CHL via 44Net a écrit :
I think ARDC can offer end-user PoP access to their backbone themselves, and regional
groups can always decide to setup their own access which connects to such a PoP and allows
their own end-users to connect.
But we may have a problem if we tie a specific user to a specific subnet
on the portal, and we want to provide him the same subnet whatever the
POP he uses. F/ex, if a Corsican user obtains an allocation for Internet
stuff (assume, and if he connects to your POP in the
Netherlands, how could we route the incoming traffic to it ? As Internet
eBGP minimal subnet is /24, will still be announced via
my POP. That means I'll have to route the incoming traffic from my POP
to yours, then to the user ?
On our current design, subnets for users are allocated by us locally,
and we have two local POPs, both announcing our subnet. Access routers
can connect to POP1 or POP2. That's easy because all is local. But if
we want to allow any user to connect to any POP and always get the same
IP/subnet, things may not be so easy...
Some users also may not think their local access point
is reliable enough and want to connect to an ARDC PoP or even more than one.
It should always be possible to have multiple options, we should not wire the
possibilities into the network design.
Human being is what it is, and I don't think this is specific to amateur
radio, HI :-) Thus, every user must be allowed to connect to any POP of
its choice (not necessarily the nearest). On a dynamic DHCP pool, that's
easy. But if we want to distribute the same subnet to an access router
whatever the POP, is it possible to do that automatically at WW scale ?
Does it make sense for a TK user to connect to a PE POP ? The fact our
Echolink clients often connect to VK proxies is definitely not a good
reason, HI :-)
Then, should we revert to something simpler, with mandatory "primary"
and "secondary" POPs (based on geographic location, and with specific
configuration / agreement between POP operators) ?