So to solve the issue of Existing AMPRnet tunnel users not being able to
reach BGP announced 44-net IP Space I've drawing the below drawing that shows
how this can be done without having Brian Kantor ask UCSD to make any
network/routing changes. This only requires at least 1 (or more) ISP (or
companies running BGP) willing to setup a BGP over GRE tunnel to Brian's server
to make this work. There are currently two ISP I know of willing to do this if
Brian is willing to do this on the AMPRnet Server shown in the drawing. This
only requires setting up BGP with a route-map for changing the next hop IP's and
running GRE tunnels on his server. The bonus is he can set this up with multiple
ISP so that there is redundancy. Since the ISP is only sending BGP routes of the
44 IP Space of size /16-/24, this will not consume very much routing table space
on his box (currently 53 prefixes). I also have to imagine the bandwidth going
over this GRE tunnels not going to be a huge amount.
So to summarize how this work. AMPRnet tunnel users can send traffic to
a BGP announced 44 ip space which would travel over their IPIP tunnels (perhaps
a low pref route to UCSD in rip? or inject the BGP routes into RIP)
back to UCSD and then over the GRE tunnel to a ISP and then ride the internet to
get to that BGP announced block. Return traffic would just follow the existing
internet routing table and come back via the UCSD network.
AMPRNet Interoperability with BGP Drawing:
Tim Osburn