) has previously applied for a
grant, and been rejected because the base technology was new and
different (i.e. based on OpenBSD).
It seems it would fit exactly into *"Expand and improve global amateur
radio infrastructure,* including supporting amateur radio emergency
services". That is almost word for word the mission of the project.
Is it worth submitting another application?
On 03/02/2021 01:20, Rosy Wolfe via 44Net wrote:
Hello 44net,
I'm pleased to share that ARDC has updated our granting goals for
2021. You can see them posted here:
The changes were made following feedback that the previous version was
a bit confusing (including feedback from last year's 44net survey).
This version breaks things down a bit more simply, into 3 high-level
* Support and Growth of Amateur Radio,
* Education, and
* Technical Innovation.
Technical Innovation applies to the following areas:
* Amateur Radio Technology & Experimentation,
* Internet Technologies,
* Digital Communications, and
* Communication Science & Technology
If you are interested in applying for a grant, please take a look at
this new language.
On a related note, we're looking forward to putting resources and
effort into improving the Portal in 2021. I'll have more to share at
our upcoming community meeting on Saturday 06 Feb. Learn more and sign
up here:
Like last time, we'll share a report following the meeting for folks
who can't attend, along with supplemental materials, including our
first-ever annual report.
More soon!
Best wishes and 73,