I believe you are referring to their filtering and pre-approval process
for each prefix. Normally Vultr requires the IP owner (ARDC in this
case) to approve the request directly. And get from the owner to click
approve in a email sent to the WHOIS contact to approve your request.
LOAs are not good enough for them unfortunately. I quite frankly doubt
you will be able to get whoever receives the email from the ARIN contact
for AMPRnet will click the approve link for you which is what Vultr
requires. This is one of the many issues that come with holding and
advertising AMPRnet space to the DFZ. Look at me for example: I run
AS50555 and hold (and other space). I only announce my
AMPRnet space at the Amateur Radio Internet Exchange simple cause that
is nearly one of the few open places that use BGP and fully grasp the
implications of AMPRnet space.
Unfortunately I don't have any specific answers, but I hope the
information helps.
Sincerely, VE5LPL
Keaton Alexander Guger Lair
A Saskatchewian guy who does stuff and things
https://kagl.me me(a)kagl.me
On 2021-04-02 3:26 p.m., Eric Fort via 44Net wrote:
I am having one hell of a time getting
everything in order with vultr and getting added to my account and announced
via bgp. Could a few of those who have successfully negotiated and traveled this road
before me please contact me and offer their assistance. I’m frankly exasperated with the
whole thing.
Sent using SMTP.
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