I think with much larger address space and the
availability of /56 or
larger spaces for many connections means many of us already have excess,
the second approach is worth investigating. Come up with DNS management
and a system for automatically configuring AMPRNET6 routers to share
trust information to tie the network together securely. As I said
before, I could easily allocate part of my /56 to this project. I'm
using less than 1% of my address range (1/256th to be exact :) ).
Address space is not an issue with IPv6. Everyone here gets a /48 with their
home internet connection. I use only 3/65536 of mine :-)
For a "global IPv6 space for amprnet" we would get a /32 and map it 1:1
with the existing net-44 addresses. That will give every net-44 IP user a
/56 network on IPv6.
However, I too don't think is the way to go. Just use the space you get on
your own internet connection for your own purposes on AMPRnet (and nag the
ISP when they don't provide IPv6, give you only a /128 or /64, or assign
dynamic prefixes - bad concepts in IPv6 rollout!).
Extend the current DNS server and robot with AAAA records, and find or design
some method of sharing the prefix list. Could be done using a BGP server.
(not the internet BGP but a server on AMPRnet that distributes prefixes)
Then we can interconnect on internet without the hassle we have now, and still
are able to route the same addresses over wireless networks.