On 16/03/19 05:03, Rob Janssen wrote:
And then
you'll have issues in at least parts of the German networks.
You will have issues with them no matter what. Their network design
just isn't suitable
for connection to internet. No matter if you do or don't use tunnels,
you will always have
issues in some way.
Which leaves us with a bit of Shakespeare: "To tunnel or
not to
tunnel? That is the question.". Adding IPIP tunneling would make my
life easier, because I'd then have a direct path to my BGP subnet.
Although its purpose is to provide Internet facing services (currently
Echolink proxies and conferences, IRLP reflector and D-STAR), I have at
least one host that will use them - Echolink on my desktop needs proxy
access, which is now on 44.x addresses. By default it will attempt to
do those using its own 44.x address.
Other options are to setup a net route via the main NAT router (quick
and easy, and probably the best short term option) or setup a VPN, which
would at least ensure full access between my subnets.
73 de Tony VK3JED/VK3IRL