On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:00:53PM -0800, Don Fanning wrote:
you can go ahead and recycle this one as I was allocated a larger subnet.
Ok, thanks.
Any idea when DNS management will be up in the portal
as it's the only
thing keeping me back from utilizing 44net as without a DNS record, I
won't be in the encap file.
It'll be a while since we've discovered that we need to design and
implement some sort of bulk DNS entry function to take the place of
the old email robot. Until then, the old email robot-based DNS remains
functional; if you need a DNS update most coordinators have access to
it or you can send me a note and I'll make the change for you.
However, there's a slight misunderstanding here; if you're in the
gateways database you'll be in the encap file. Being in the DNS only
controls whether the address is reachable from the commercial internet
via the amprgw gateway.
- Brian