Sure, but we have been doing that for many years here in the Netherlands.
My proposal was just to get this a little more formalized and widespread, so
we could make it worldwide and have it replaced the IPIP mesh so newcomers
can more easily connect to it.
On 7/11/20 11:28 PM, Erik Seidel wrote:
It seems to me that we are making this more
complicated than is
necessary. How about this for a simple approach: There are already a
number of HAMs who are already operating small networks and are
announcing AMPRnet prefixes to their peers/upstreams.
Why can't we just make a list of these "BGP speaker HAMs", if you
will, their locations and their contact info. Other HAMs in the area
who wish to connect to AMPRnet and are interested in a more "local"
approach (rather than just going through the UCSD edge) can then reach
out to one of these "BGP speaker HAMs".