Just a side point: we should give credit where credit it due.
Phil Karn, KA9Q, invented the /N network-bits-width notation back in ham
AMPRNet-related documents in the 1980s, so it should be more properly
known perhaps as "Karn notation" rather than "CIDR notation".
Of course I'll never win this battle, but someone with access to
the original documentation (to get the exact date) should update the
appropriate Wikipedia footnote to give Phil his due.
I like to bring this up from time to time to remind people that inventors
deserve credit especially when they don't charge for their inventions.
I'm reminded of this because Phil and I had dinner last night (he's
doing well, thanks) and got to chatting about the old days of packet
and AMPRNet.
- Brian
On Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 04:06:28PM +0000, M6XCV (Mike) wrote:
CIDR notation is a good way to explain the difference
in the address