The intention was not to cut anyone off, but there were a lot of folk adding 44 networks
to gateways that had not been allocated to them, or indeed allocated at all. The whole
point of the Portal is to document who has been allocated (and is using) what IPs. So the
gateway code has been updated to only allow allocated networks to be added to gateways.
I hadn’t realised that people were “managing” gateways on behalf of others, so I will work
on some code to allow the allocatee (trying to avoid the word owner!) to authorise another
portal user to add their network to a gateway.
In the meantime, if there are any networks you need adding just drop me an email and I
will add them manually. I should have the code to allow you to do this sorted within the
next few days (3 to 5 depending on my commercial workload).
As with anything on the portal, if there’s a problem, you only need ask :-)
On 28 Nov 2014, at 10:15, Paul Lewis
<paul(a)> wrote:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
Hello Mark
Yes I originally did it (when I replied) using the Robot.
The 'amprnet developers' have NOW caught up with me/us.
Now my hosted gateway partners are cut off from the amprnet network
At least we are testing point to point as they build there systems.
Reminds me of the late 1960's early 1970's with our
Cobol Developers <viz> our customers/operations requirements [big_grin]
In message <4592c73cd85107cbcc803af3befbfbda(a)>lu>, "Marc, LX1DUC"
<lx1duc(a)> writes
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
On 2014-11-25 17:27, Paul Lewis wrote:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
Yes Marc, I encountered the same issue yesterday.
Hence I just got round that by deleting my account using the V6 robot
and recreating the entry with the other OM's network subnet that
he wanted to route via my gateway. The online Portal would not allow
me to otherwise make the change.
Paul g4apl
Hello Paul,
I don't understand exactly how you solved the issue in your case. Did you update your
gateway entry via email?
73 de Marc
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