Hello Rob,
I have receive your email this morning and reply to it
before your send
on the group, I also close my amprnet for the moment. I'm new with the
mikrotik router and don't know all, I get information on the internet to
get it work. Sorry for the bad packet this is not intentionnal.
73 de Pascal
Hi Pascal,
Well I did not get a mail from you, probably it has been lost somewhere due to
Good to hear you use a MikroTik router! It is possible to fix it on this kind of router.
When you go to the IP->Firewall page and open the NAT tab, you will find an existing
rule that you use for your internet connection. It will probably show something like
"masquerade", chain srcnat, out.interface ether1.
You can just add another item like that, with the settings:
chain srcnat
out interface ! ether1 (click in the empty box for the ! to appear and select your
internet interface)
action src-nat
to address 44.135.50.x (select an address you want to use for this)
That should fix your problem, assuming you use this router only for internet and hamnet
have no other interfaces to other networks.
This rule will make any traffic from the 192.168 range to be translated to a fixed address
in hamnet
(but only when it is not sent to the internet interface, that is where the other rule