Fellow radio amateurs, I am writing to you on behalf of the ARDC TAC, which I represent.
Those of you that were on our Community Call last Saturday may remember that I promised
you we would share our first proposal with the community. A few days after that, I am
happy to send that to you for your review, feedback, comments, questions, and
You can find our 5-page PDF here:
The title is "ARDC 44.128/10 Allocation Proposal” and it briefly explains what we
propose to do with the IPv4 space of ARDC. It is based on careful consideration, planning,
and actual research[1] performed on the IP network and the Portal allocations.
Since the TAC does not have any authority on the IP (or any other) resources of ARDC, and
we only have an advisory role, we end this document with a proposed resolution we intend
to submit soon to the ARDC Board of Directors, where we urge them to vote and approve some
key things required for us to be able to achieve what is described.
We believe that the TAC represents the community and the 44 Net users, so we created this
document and post it here in advance, with the purpose of being able to answer your
questions, collect your feedback, and hear from you. This is why we briefly explain the
situation in about 4 pages, and then we end with the resolution we want the ARDC Board of
Directors to approve.
I hope you like it, and I remain at your disposal for anything you may need.
[1] -