It's my understanding that there are multiple copies of the original
Startampr script on the Internet. What I have not noticed until alerted
by two operators that attempted to implement those copies in their
devices, are the following:
- Scripts NOT distributed from my site at ON AMPRNET
include the misuse of the -a argument to run the RIP44 daemon(s).
- The syntax used on the Internet scripts ('use -a argument to remove
your allocation from the table' by a. specifying WAN IP IN rip44d; vs
b. specifying 44 allocation CIDR IP as in ampr-ripd, are reversed.
- This appears to be a documentation bug made by a copier who used my
original scripts (made for rip44d) and converted them to work for ampr-ripd.
- if you use my scripts placing lookups for your local 44 LAN in the
main table, this issue wouldn't affect you