Yes, I'm now aware that there are nameservice
and I'm working on it. It won't be fixed quickly because
it requires manual intervention by several people in many
different places around the globe, including the registries.
Thanks all for bringing this to my attention.
- Brian
Well, it appears that the originally envisioned problem (not all servers uptodate) has
been fixed. The 2nd problem (incorrect servers in org zone) is still open, but that
should affect only the lookup time. It probably explains why lookups are
often so slow.
However, when I checked before there were only some servers that were at most 24h behind.
Maybe they synchronize only once per day.
Was that the "slave nameservers are not updating" issue that you were after?
Or was there another slave that had not been updating for a much longer time?
Generally, 24h out of date should not be that much of an issue. Of course, when it
syncing completely that would be bad.