a.) then how would a new or offline IPIP station connect if AMPRGW were DOWN at the time?
b.) then how do I get routes from AMPRNet without a DIRECT CONNECTION tunl0 connection to
c.) what if I can directly reach 2 or more AMPR subnets (but not the Internet)?
-----Original Message-----
I don't understand your consideration of "moving from a star to a mesh".
We ALREADY have a mesh!
a.) AMPRGW is currently the only route announcer (but you address that elsewhere)
b.) Next, it's not the ideal route to all subnets
c.) this solution addresses the possibility of redundancy to other subnets, as well as
I surmise the response to be more opinion than technical observations.
-----Original Message-----
There is no load to be removed from AMPRGW other
than the routing from/to internet for those that are not directly BGP routed on internet.
a.) Your statement is based off the premise the goal is to solve a 'single point of
failure for RIP announcements...' such is inaccurate
b.) If I conceded that we're in-fact a Mesh topology currently, I likewise concede
that we only route in a Star topology
-----Original Message-----
When you want a solution for the "single point of failure" for RIP
In planning, it would probably be an alternative to IPIP, and not a replacement. Ideally,
there could be a few regional gateways, other stations connecting to one or more regional
gateway and to other end-user gateways.
-----Original Message-----
your solution of doing BGP over tunnels instead has such information embedded in
the static configuration of all the peers, which is even more difficult to manage.
It is our intention in Washington Dc to have AMPRNet address in our wireless domain. We do
not intend to mesh over the planned infrastructure; it will work like a standard Access
Point. I cannot speak for implementation in other areas
-----Original Message-----
What is the status of usage of AMPRnet addresses in HSMM? In the past they used
RFC1918 addresses that were automatically allocated. I believe newer versions can
use static addresses that could als well be from NET-44. Is this already in wide use?