44net October 2020

  • 32 participants
  • 22 discussions

Inviting you to ARDC Grantmaking Survey + Community Jitsi Call
by Rosy Wolfe
3 years, 11 months

GL.iNet openWRT Rip44 support?
by Tracy Markham
4 years, 2 months

Network topology and vpn connection.
by pete M
4 years, 4 months

How long for attribution of a ip segment?
by pete M
4 years, 4 months

ARDC Office Hours: Thurs Nov. 12 @ 17:00 UTC
by Rosy Wolfe
4 years, 4 months

Re: [44net] Thanks to everyone for a good 44net community call!
by Rob Janssen
4 years, 4 months

Re: [44net] Thanks to everyone for a good 44net community call!
by Rob Janssen
4 years, 4 months

Recap from Oct. 10 Video Call
by Rosy Wolfe
4 years, 4 months

HNAP4PlutoSDR - HAMNET on 70cm with the PlutoSDR
by Jann Traschewski
4 years, 4 months

Re: [44net] Thanks to everyone for a good 44net community call!
by Rob Janssen
4 years, 4 months
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