> It's frustrating when one has deployed IPv6 and has to keep battling
> with the evils of NAT. :/
But we have a large IPv4 space available so why would we battle with NAT???
It should not be a problem to get an IPv4 address from net-44 for any of your
experiments and not have to use NAT.
Not that I am against experimenting with IPv6, but I am not sure which way
that should go:
- somehow get an "own" IPv6 range that we can manage in a similar way as
the net-44 space
- just use the IPv6 space everyone can get from their local provider and
have only DNS support for it in ampr.org and maybe some service for listing
of prefixes in use on ampr hosts to be used in firewall address lists.
Having an own range appears nice, but it means we will again have the problems with
internet tunneling and BGP routing that we are having now.
I have replaced my cisco with mikrotik
the ipip works ok
i have two questions (for time being)
1) how do i synchronize the time ? do i need to install ntp client ? i see no ntp under the system in the gui window
2) i want to run the routing script that Marius wrote but it say it need a password ? what is the password for ? how do i get it ?
Thanks forward
Ronen 4Z4ZQ
Ronen Pinchooks (4Z4ZQ) WebSite<http://www.ronen.org/>
www.ronen.orgronen.org (Ronen Pinchooks (4Z4ZQ) WebSite) is hosted by domainavenue.com
Hi there
when Connecting amprnet via openvpn
is it limited to USA only users ?
what is the IP the one that connect get ? is it a special IP assigned for the vpn server ? or the user get his country IP allocation ...and can a block of ip pass ? or only single ip ?
What PC software can be used ? or only linux supported ?
thanks forward
Ronen - 4Z4ZQ
Ronen Pinchooks (4Z4ZQ) WebSite<http://www.ronen.org/>
www.ronen.orgronen.org (Ronen Pinchooks (4Z4ZQ) WebSite) is hosted by domainavenue.com
Because many of the people on this list run Linux, I mention
the following article:
"Linux security backfires: Flaw lets hackers inject malware into downloads, disrupt Tor users, etc"
If you're running Linux kernel 3.6 or later and your system is
exposed to the internet, this is something you should consider
taking care of.
- Brian
I have some problem with requesting an alocatation block.
I sent two alocation request on portal.ampr.org on (Slovakia)
one week ago.
My requests are still in "waiting for coordinator" status.
I tried to send "Contact us" message to portal two day ago, but my request
is without changes.
I am not sure that my coordinator is active on portal.
Please, Who can help me with this issue, or give advice, or some mail
Is possible to activate some subregion block witout my inactive coordinator
to me ?
73, Marcel OM0ATE
I had a problem to let rip44d after an OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05, but was
dropped dmz traffic ipencap not passed to the second
In openwrt menu: Network -> Firewall -> Custom Rules
I add:
iptables -A INPUT -p 4 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 520 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p 4 -j DNAT --to
--- is ip of second router or 44 gateway with rip44d
After adding these lines and reboot the router all problems are corrected.
Let's hope it will be useful.
73, Miro, LZ4NY
P.S Вместо да разпитваш приятели и познати как се прави онлайн магазин, тествай безплатно 14 дни Shopiko – за да започнеш да продаваш.
[Apologies for the repost: I meant to have a useful Subject:
header and accidentally omitted that earlier.]
[Forgive the top-posting: I include the full text of what I'd
written several weeks ago below for refresher and reference.]
To recap, I've set up IPENCAP tunnels to AMPRNet networks on a
Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite running OpenBSD: there is one gif(4)
interface per tunnel and routes are kept in a dedicated routing
table (like Linux, OpenBSD supports multiple routing domains on a
single system); firewall rules are used to go from one routing
domain to another.
The biggest piece missing was a daemon to handle receiving 44net
RIP packets and use that data to maintain tunnels and routes. I
thought about porting one, but decided of write my own instead.
It has been running for a few weeks now on my node and while it's
still not quite "done" it seems to work well enough that I decided
it was time to cast a somewhat a wider net and push it up to
GitHub for comment from others.
A couple of quick notes on implementation:
1. The program maintains a copy of the AMPRNet routing table in
a modified PATRICIA trie (really a compressed radix tree).
Routes are expired after receiving a RIP packet.
2. A similar table of tunnels is maintained.
3. Tunnel interfaces are reference counted and garbage collected.
A bitmap indicating which tunnels are in use is
4. The program is completely self-contained in the sense that I
do not fork/exec external commands to e.g. configure tunnels
or manipulate routes. That is all done via ioctls or writing
messages to a routing socket.
There is more to do; I'm sure there are a few bugs. I'd also like
to query the system state at startup to initialize the routing and
tunnel tables. Exporting and/or parsing an encap file would be
nice. Logging and error checking can, I'm sure, be improved.
It's about 1200 lines of non-comment code, compiles down to a 28K
MIPS64 executable (stripped). The code is at
Please have a look and let me know what you think!
- Dan C.
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:46 PM, Dan Cross <crossd(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Dan Cross <crossd(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up an AMPRNet gateway at home and am running into
> > some problems. Has anyone successfully configured a BSD-based gateway
> > that would be willing to give me some pointers?
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > It seems like what I want to do is configure a gif(4) interface
> > for tunnel traffic, but my attempts at doing so all seem to fail,
> > and documentation for setting up an IPENCAP tunnel is related to
> > setting up IPsec gateways; my attempts at transliterating from the
> > examples for e.g. Linux and Cisco et al have failed.
> >
> > If someone has gone down this road before and has a working
> > setup, that would be tremendously helpful. If someone could send
> > me output from 'ifconfig -a' and/or 'netstat -rn -f inet' and
> > possibly some 'tcpdump' output, I could probably muddle through the
> > rest. If there are any caveats in setting up a 'pf' based firewall,
> > that would be helpful as well. If not, I suppose my next step will
> > be to reinstall RouterOS on the ERL, try and get everything configured,
> > and then see if I can replicate under BSD.
> Folks,
> I just wanted to do a quick followup to this for the archives.
> I am now successfully transferring traffic between my 44net subnet
> ( and the rest of the world using my OpenBSD-based
> router.
> A quick recap of my setup:
> 1. I have a Comcast business class circuit.
> 2. I have a dedicated static IP address to use as an endpoint for
> 44net traffic.
> 3. My comcast router is just a router; no NATing, no firewalling.
> 4. My (non-comcast) edge router is a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
> running OpenBSD 5.9. It has three ethernet interfaces:
> a. cnmac0 is the external interface connected to Comcast's network
> b. cnmac1 connects to my internal network
> c. cnmac2 is my internal gateway to
> On OpenBSD, tunneling interfaces for IPENCAP are provided by
> 'gif' pseudo-devices. Unlike Linux, it appears that one creates a
> separate 'gif' interface for each tunnel, but one seems able to
> create an arbitrary number of such interfaces: I created a thousand
> as a test. I'm sure there is a limit but it seems sufficiently
> high that practically routing AMPRNet traffic won't run up against
> it. (Again, if someone knows of a different way to configure a
> single 'gif' interface so that it could support multiple tunnels,
> I'd be happy to know about it). In other words, don't worry about
> scalability because you are creating a separate 'gif' interface for
> each tunnel to another AMPRNet site.
> On AMPRNet, the UCSD gateway *will not* pass traffic for an
> IP address that does not have a corresponding entry in the AMPR.ORG
> domain. Also, does not respond to 'ping' from 44/8 IP's.
> Caveat emptor as one tries to test: make sure you have DNS entries
> for your addresses and try pinging something other than
> or you'll suffer contusions banging your head against a desk trying
> to figure out why nothing appears to work....
> Once I had a tunnel up to UCSD, I found that I could ping my
> machine from a host on my internal network, but not
> from arbitrary machines. This was interesting; it turns out that
> hosts on my internal network get NAT'ed to another IP address on
> the small subnet I got from Comcast (through another, completely
> separate router -- not comcast's router but another ERL). What was
> happening was that as I ping'ed from e.g. my laptop,
> ICMP echo request packets got NAT'ed to this other address and
> routed over to amprgw.sysnet.ucsd.edu and tunneled back to the
> external interface of my AMPRNet gateway. The gateway accepted the
> encapsulated ICMP echo requests (I have a PF rule that explicitly
> allows ping) and forwarded them across the tunnel interface where
> they were unencapsulated; the IP stack saw that the result was
> addressed to an IP address on a local interface (i.e., they were
> for the router) and generated an ICMP echo response packet with a
> *source* address of and a *destination* address of the
> external address of my other router (that is, the address the ICMP
> echo request was NAT'ed to). This matched the network route for
> my local Comcats subnet and so my AMPRNet router realized it could
> pass the packet back to my other router directly. It did so and
> the other router happily took the packet, matched it back through
> the NAT back to the original requesting machine (my laptop) and
> forwarded it: hence, I got my ping responses back. But note that
> the response was not going through the tunnel back to UCSD: it was
> being routed directly through the external interface.
> Now consider what happens when I tried to ping from
> a different machine on some other network. The ICMP echo request
> packet gets routed through the UCSD gateway and tunneled back to
> my gateway as before, but since responses don't go through back
> through the tunnel, the response packet matches the default route
> of my gateway and get's forwarded to comcast's router. Comcast
> would look at it, see that wasn't on one of it's known
> networks that it would route floor, and discard the response. Oops.
> The solution was to set up a separate routing table in a different
> routing domain specifically for AMPRNet traffic, and tie the two
> together using firewall rules. In the AMPRNet routing table, I
> could set my default route to point to the UCSD gateway, so any
> traffic sent from one of my addresses that doesn't
> match a route to a known tunnel gets forwarded through
> amprgw.sysnet.ucsd.edu. With that in place, I could ping my gateway
> from random machines. This must seem obvious to a lot of folks
> here, but it took me a little while to figure out what was going
> on. Things are working now, however.
> So far I have encountered two other caveats: I decided to
> configure two tunnel interfaces statically at boot time: 'gif0'
> goes to the UCSD tunnel, and 'gif1' sets up a tunnel to N1URO for
> his 44.88 net. Under OpenBSD, I assumed that the natural way to
> do this would be to add /etc/hostname.gif0 and /etc/hostname.gif1
> files and this does in fact create the tunnels at boot time. However,
> traffic going out from my gateway doesn't seem to get sent through
> the tunnels; I did not bother to track down exactly why, but I
> believe it has to do with some kind of implicit ordering dependency
> when initializing PF. When I set up the separate routing domain,
> it struck me that the language accepted by /etc/netstart in an
> /etc/hostname.if file was not sufficiently rich to set up tunnels
> in a routing domain, so I capitulated and just set up the static
> interfaces from /etc/rc.local; imperfect but it works.
> The second caveat is that I seem to have tickled a kernel error
> trying to set up an alias of a second IP address on my
> NIC; I get a kernel panic due to an assertion failure. It looks a
> bug to me, but I haven't had the bandwidth to track it down. In
> the meanwhile, simply don't add aliases to interfaces in non-default
> routing domains.
> I'll try to go through my notes and type up something for the
> wiki.
> The next step is to write a modified version of rip44d for BSD.
> I may take a stab at that this weekend if I can get some time. As
> near as I can tell, the wire format of the protocol is strictly
> RIPv2; the difference is what the gateway does with the data in the
> RIP packet (it sets up tunnels in addition to maintaining routes).
> Anyway, I hope this can be of some small help to someone else
> who wants to run an OpenBSD-based gateway!
[Forgive the top-posting: I include the full text of what I'd
written several weeks ago below for refresher and reference.]
To recap, I've set up IPENCAP tunnels to AMPRNet networks on a
Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite running OpenBSD: there is one gif(4)
interface per tunnel and routes are kept in a dedicated routing
table (like Linux, OpenBSD supports multiple routing domains on a
single system); firewall rules are used to go from one routing
domain to another.
The biggest piece missing was a daemon to handle receiving 44net
RIP packets and use that data to maintain tunnels and routes. I
thought about porting one, but decided of write my own instead.
It has been running for a few weeks now on my node and while it's
still not quite "done" it seems to work well enough that I decided
it was time to cast a somewhat a wider net and push it up to
GitHub for comment from others.
A couple of quick notes on implementation:
1. The program maintains a copy of the AMPRNet routing table in
a modified PATRICIA trie (really a compressed radix tree).
Routes are expired after receiving a RIP packet.
2. A similar table of tunnels is maintained.
3. Tunnel interfaces are reference counted and garbage collected.
A bitmap indicating which tunnels are in use is
4. The program is completely self-contained in the sense that I
do not fork/exec external commands to e.g. configure tunnels
or manipulate routes. That is all done via ioctls or writing
messages to a routing socket.
There is more to do; I'm sure there are a few bugs. I'd also like
to query the system state at startup to initialize the routing and
tunnel tables. Exporting and/or parsing an encap file would be
nice. Logging and error checking can, I'm sure, be improved.
It's about 1200 lines of non-comment code, compiles down to a 28K
MIPS64 executable (stripped). The code is at
Please have a look and let me know what you think!
- Dan C.
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:46 PM, Dan Cross <crossd(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Dan Cross <crossd(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up an AMPRNet gateway at home and am running into
> > some problems. Has anyone successfully configured a BSD-based gateway
> > that would be willing to give me some pointers?
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > It seems like what I want to do is configure a gif(4) interface
> > for tunnel traffic, but my attempts at doing so all seem to fail,
> > and documentation for setting up an IPENCAP tunnel is related to
> > setting up IPsec gateways; my attempts at transliterating from the
> > examples for e.g. Linux and Cisco et al have failed.
> >
> > If someone has gone down this road before and has a working
> > setup, that would be tremendously helpful. If someone could send
> > me output from 'ifconfig -a' and/or 'netstat -rn -f inet' and
> > possibly some 'tcpdump' output, I could probably muddle through the
> > rest. If there are any caveats in setting up a 'pf' based firewall,
> > that would be helpful as well. If not, I suppose my next step will
> > be to reinstall RouterOS on the ERL, try and get everything configured,
> > and then see if I can replicate under BSD.
> Folks,
> I just wanted to do a quick followup to this for the archives.
> I am now successfully transferring traffic between my 44net subnet
> ( and the rest of the world using my OpenBSD-based
> router.
> A quick recap of my setup:
> 1. I have a Comcast business class circuit.
> 2. I have a dedicated static IP address to use as an endpoint for
> 44net traffic.
> 3. My comcast router is just a router; no NATing, no firewalling.
> 4. My (non-comcast) edge router is a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
> running OpenBSD 5.9. It has three ethernet interfaces:
> a. cnmac0 is the external interface connected to Comcast's network
> b. cnmac1 connects to my internal network
> c. cnmac2 is my internal gateway to
> On OpenBSD, tunneling interfaces for IPENCAP are provided by
> 'gif' pseudo-devices. Unlike Linux, it appears that one creates a
> separate 'gif' interface for each tunnel, but one seems able to
> create an arbitrary number of such interfaces: I created a thousand
> as a test. I'm sure there is a limit but it seems sufficiently
> high that practically routing AMPRNet traffic won't run up against
> it. (Again, if someone knows of a different way to configure a
> single 'gif' interface so that it could support multiple tunnels,
> I'd be happy to know about it). In other words, don't worry about
> scalability because you are creating a separate 'gif' interface for
> each tunnel to another AMPRNet site.
> On AMPRNet, the UCSD gateway *will not* pass traffic for an
> IP address that does not have a corresponding entry in the AMPR.ORG
> domain. Also, does not respond to 'ping' from 44/8 IP's.
> Caveat emptor as one tries to test: make sure you have DNS entries
> for your addresses and try pinging something other than
> or you'll suffer contusions banging your head against a desk trying
> to figure out why nothing appears to work....
> Once I had a tunnel up to UCSD, I found that I could ping my
> machine from a host on my internal network, but not
> from arbitrary machines. This was interesting; it turns out that
> hosts on my internal network get NAT'ed to another IP address on
> the small subnet I got from Comcast (through another, completely
> separate router -- not comcast's router but another ERL). What was
> happening was that as I ping'ed from e.g. my laptop,
> ICMP echo request packets got NAT'ed to this other address and
> routed over to amprgw.sysnet.ucsd.edu and tunneled back to the
> external interface of my AMPRNet gateway. The gateway accepted the
> encapsulated ICMP echo requests (I have a PF rule that explicitly
> allows ping) and forwarded them across the tunnel interface where
> they were unencapsulated; the IP stack saw that the result was
> addressed to an IP address on a local interface (i.e., they were
> for the router) and generated an ICMP echo response packet with a
> *source* address of and a *destination* address of the
> external address of my other router (that is, the address the ICMP
> echo request was NAT'ed to). This matched the network route for
> my local Comcats subnet and so my AMPRNet router realized it could
> pass the packet back to my other router directly. It did so and
> the other router happily took the packet, matched it back through
> the NAT back to the original requesting machine (my laptop) and
> forwarded it: hence, I got my ping responses back. But note that
> the response was not going through the tunnel back to UCSD: it was
> being routed directly through the external interface.
> Now consider what happens when I tried to ping from
> a different machine on some other network. The ICMP echo request
> packet gets routed through the UCSD gateway and tunneled back to
> my gateway as before, but since responses don't go through back
> through the tunnel, the response packet matches the default route
> of my gateway and get's forwarded to comcast's router. Comcast
> would look at it, see that wasn't on one of it's known
> networks that it would route floor, and discard the response. Oops.
> The solution was to set up a separate routing table in a different
> routing domain specifically for AMPRNet traffic, and tie the two
> together using firewall rules. In the AMPRNet routing table, I
> could set my default route to point to the UCSD gateway, so any
> traffic sent from one of my addresses that doesn't
> match a route to a known tunnel gets forwarded through
> amprgw.sysnet.ucsd.edu. With that in place, I could ping my gateway
> from random machines. This must seem obvious to a lot of folks
> here, but it took me a little while to figure out what was going
> on. Things are working now, however.
> So far I have encountered two other caveats: I decided to
> configure two tunnel interfaces statically at boot time: 'gif0'
> goes to the UCSD tunnel, and 'gif1' sets up a tunnel to N1URO for
> his 44.88 net. Under OpenBSD, I assumed that the natural way to
> do this would be to add /etc/hostname.gif0 and /etc/hostname.gif1
> files and this does in fact create the tunnels at boot time. However,
> traffic going out from my gateway doesn't seem to get sent through
> the tunnels; I did not bother to track down exactly why, but I
> believe it has to do with some kind of implicit ordering dependency
> when initializing PF. When I set up the separate routing domain,
> it struck me that the language accepted by /etc/netstart in an
> /etc/hostname.if file was not sufficiently rich to set up tunnels
> in a routing domain, so I capitulated and just set up the static
> interfaces from /etc/rc.local; imperfect but it works.
> The second caveat is that I seem to have tickled a kernel error
> trying to set up an alias of a second IP address on my
> NIC; I get a kernel panic due to an assertion failure. It looks a
> bug to me, but I haven't had the bandwidth to track it down. In
> the meanwhile, simply don't add aliases to interfaces in non-default
> routing domains.
> I'll try to go through my notes and type up something for the
> wiki.
> The next step is to write a modified version of rip44d for BSD.
> I may take a stab at that this weekend if I can get some time. As
> near as I can tell, the wire format of the protocol is strictly
> RIPv2; the difference is what the gateway does with the data in the
> RIP packet (it sets up tunnels in addition to maintaining routes).
> Anyway, I hope this can be of some small help to someone else
> who wants to run an OpenBSD-based gateway!
Can the person who maintains the "Services" page contact me offlist
please? Thanks much.
I was going to go see a Guns 'n' Roses concert...
until the liberals took away ALL the guns. Now I'm
only going to see Roses *sigh*
73 de Brian - N1URO
email: (see above)
Web: http://www.n1uro.net/
Ampr1: http://n1uro.ampr.org/
Ampr2: http://nos.n1uro.ampr.org
Linux Amateur Radio Services
axMail-Fax & URONode
AmprNet coordinator for:
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, and Vermont.
> That is when all work fine without errors
> but before you have to grab all the gcc enviourment into the PI
That is done with this single command:
apt-get install build-essential
Maybe you need to type: sudo apt-get install build-essential
(when you are logged in as user pi)
> I know how hard it was to More experts from me to compile for me the Firmware for the arduino
Sometimes these things are hard, but not in the case of ampr-ripd.
And when you don't try, you'll never learn...