
  • 3170 discussions

Re: [44net] Attn LX gateway
by Rob Janssen
10 years, 1 month

Which radio is good for connect with a PC ?
by Ernest.Tse@Pacswitch
10 years, 1 month

Which radio is good for connect with a PC ?
by Ernest.Tse@Pacswitch
10 years, 1 month

Re: [44net] amprgw ok?
by Rob Janssen
10 years, 1 month

portal issue?
by Brian
10 years, 1 month

Which HAM Radio is good for connect with PC
by Ernest.Tse@Pacswitch
10 years, 1 month

Re: [44net] ampr-ripd 1.12 released
by Rob Janssen
10 years, 1 month

External address changed
by Rob Janssen
10 years, 1 month

Beware of Mikrotik RouterOS v6.21 and v6.22
by Marc, LX1DUC
10 years, 1 month

Attn LX gateway
by Rob Janssen
10 years, 1 month
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