Are these
accessible only from 44 net? Nothing, at least not Convers,
is working for me here at work.
Yes, access only from network 44.
That sounds perfect. You're connected to other 44 net stations and
others with the VPN. Yet not subject to all the attacks and extra
noise on the open internet.
> No Facebook? How about or
something like railsSpace
I'm not on 44 net currently so I can't see what you have. Is that elgg?
I was going to ask if you had some sort of Resource Discovery running
- then I noticed the HamNetDB so I see that you do. Is HamNetDB
pulling the others, getting updated directly (pushed) from other
stations or is it monitoring for something like BonJour broadcasts.
Very impressive list!
Thank you for the postings...
Bill, WA7NWP