On 20/03/19 04:34, pete M via 44Net wrote:
"it is funny that many
amateurs have no problem paying like 2000-4000 euro for a transceiver, but won't
consider paying 20 euro/year to sponsor a community project)"
pretty common, sadly. I'm normally happy to sponsor community
projects, though whether I can consistently keep it up is sometimes
debatable. No fancy $4000 transceivers here. My last upgrade in that
department was over 8 years ago, when I ran into a bit of money.
It is not just a germany problem. it is the same almost every where.
Club membreship is going down while ham licence are going up.
The local club here
has broadened their outlook to get kids interested
in electronics and reach out to non amateurs. The club's focus is now
amateur radio _and_ electronics. While getting more amateurs on the air
is always welcome, there's room in that for non amateurs - and the non
amateur coders, constructors, Arduino tinkerers, etc have a lot to offer
the amateurs (and vice-versa).
I do relate of being one of the "Cheap Ham" But not in the type of not paying
cause i want to keep my money. In the sens that I want to build my stuff for less money to
have more money for my hobby and help to pay on other people project so that I can have
some fun also.
I'm not time poor, as well as being forced to do things on the
And I don't have a good area for construction these days. :( But I
still like doing systems integration type activities - putting different
parts together in new and useful ways.
I can buy myself a nice flex 6600 in the next hour if I wish. I prefer to build a
radioberry (Raspberry Pi with a hat that act as a sdr transceiver. )
The Radioberry
sounds interesting. I'm a big fan of the Pi.
I do have a flex 3000. had it for a long time. still like it..
I gave many donation to multiple project that I never even had a use for..
But I built myself a soldering station microscope out of 26$ PIcamera, a raspberry pi and
some parts that I printed on my 3d printer ( home made) ) Not cause I was cheap. I wanted
to know how it was all working..
There are 3 type of hams, the rich appliance operator, the cheap appliance operator and
the ham that do all he can to save a cent so that he can spend on more stuff. and not
being an appliance operator rich or not.
And then there's the oddballs like me
who don't fit into any of the
above. ;)
73 de Tony VK3JED/VK3IRL