On 12/30/20 5:08 PM, Roland Schwarz via 44Net wrote:
Are you aware of
This is a distributed search engine. I do not have a lot of experience
with it other than know about its existence. But perhaps this could be a
solution? I know that the Germans once had such operational for some
https://www.dl0hgw.de/funk-technik/hamnet.html (Sorry the site is
German language only) but it had disappeared from the net. If you like I
can ask them about their experience and why the discontinued the service.
Yes, and there are still operational e.g.
However, that is what I mean with 'not a "google" style textbox where
you can only search for things of which you already know the name'.
Unless I misunderstand Yacy it is just that.
What I mean is: people join the AMPRnet and want to know what can
be done with it, what are interesting new projects, etc.
They do not want a box where they have to type "DMR" to find
something about DMR (for example) but more some site where
they can "ask": "what can I try today".
So I think it is better to have some "navigation" where instead of
having to type a name, you can select from a list of available options
where you may find things that you have never heard before.
And when that sounds too advanced: more like presenting a list
of all current info in the system, with an option to limit the list
according to criteria you enter, than a blank search form giving
access to an invisible wealth of information.