Hi Rosy,
Thanks for this information. I'm certainly all for managing our address
space better. However, history has created a bit of a mess. For
example, I have a /24 BGP assignment in the 44.190/16 range, which was
setup at the time as a "region free" allocation, intended for Internet
facing services (which 44.31/16 seems to fulfill these days - please
correct me if I'm wrong).
If there's plans for ADRC to transition all BGP endpoints to 44.31/16,
then can we please have input into how that transition would be
achieved. For me, I have a massive renumbering job to do if/when that
time comes, with several pieces of key amateur infrastructure relying on
stable addressing, involving configuration of well over 200 individual
IPs (mostly Echolink proxies).. I would certainly need a temporary
overlap of ranges to pull this off with minimal downtime.
On 3/8/22 6:15 am, Rosy Schechter - KJ7RYV via 44net wrote:
Dear 44Net mailing list members,
Weaving through many of the messages from the past few weeks, I’m
aware that folks have some questions around why G1FEF has been
organizing BGP requests in 44.31/16. Behind these questions, in some
cases, is a sense of uncertainty around whether or not ARDC is going
to sell any more address space. Some members of the TAC have requested
that I speak to you all about these issues, and to create space where
you can ask questions. So here we go
G1FEF has been putting BGP allocations into 44.31/16 for a few reasons:
* Currently there are BGP “holes” randomly scattered throughout our
address space. This makes it harder to manage, especially when trying
to spot unauthorized announcements, which we get a lot of.
* We inherited the “give a /16 to every region or country” practice
from the 1990’s which has resulted in extremely sparse use of the
space. We'd be better “netizens” if we used the space more effectively.
* The HAMNET issue (needing a static set of addresses for BGP routing)
is also a consideration, as they are the largest consumers of our
address space by far.
All told, Chris is doing his best to engage in best practices absent a
more robust policy around BGP. Creating that policy is definitely on
the list, and ideally fits into a greater vision around next steps for
the address space (PoPs? Better organizing assignments for one reason
or another? etc.). Data from our recent assessment is helping us to
put together that vision. Thank you to all of you who shared your
In terms of whether ARDC is planning to sell more addresses: while it
may happen at some point in the future, there are no current plans,
short or medium term, to do so. The non-inconsequential effort
involved in overcoming the tax and operational implications of such a
move would only make sense after taking into account the views of the
44Net community on a vision for overall address space usage and
associated future plans.
In the meantime, many thanks for your patience amid the uncertainty.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
73 de Tony VK3JED/VK3IRL