On Mon, 27 Jan 2014, Bill Vodall wrote:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
> I too would like to see a routed approach - all this clumsy tunnelling
> house of cards junk is never going to be reliable.
Naaaa...... :( A giant step backwards.
Seems to me it's the other way... With
tunnel's, if one station goes
down all the other gateways persist. With the BPG routed system, the
gateway is another weak link in the routing chain. What happens if
the BPG gateway goes down - every station down stream is isolated.
I've heard there's provisions for alternate gateways - but is that
being used here?
What we have now, with IPIP Encap (protocol 4) is a FULLY MESHED
network. How much better can you get than a network that speaks DIRECTLY
gateway to gateway with NO intermediate hops??? Isn't this one of the
benefits of HSMM-Mesh in that any node that has a path to another node can
continue to pass traffic when other nodes have failed?
I have never understood why so many people can't seem to wrap their
heads around IPIP Encap? It is SOOOOooooo easy to use. The drawback
seems to be *cheap junk* consumer gateway routers that have no
understanding of protocols other than TCP and UDP. IPIP-Encap is NOT TCP
and is a protocol unto itself, and so many cheap routers have no idea how
to just pass these packets.
I would like to keep the IPIP Encap network in place. If others wish
to terminate a large block of addresses into one node, then pass those
routes via some other networking protocol into their
geographical/political regions, then that is their choice.
--- Jay Nugent WB8TKL
Michigan AMPRnet IP Address Coordinator
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/\ support of plain text e-mail
o Averaging at least 3 days of MTBWTF!?!?!?
o The solution for long term Internet growth is IPv6.
o "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -Thomas Jefferson
| Jay Nugent jjn(a) (734)484-5105 (734)649-0850/Cell |
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| Internet Consulting/Linux SysAdmin/Engineering & Design |
| ISP Monitoring [] ISP & Modem Performance Monitoring |
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