On 9/19/17 6:03 PM, Tony Langdon wrote:
Can you change
the reply address to be the list? As it's a discussion list
this makes it easier to reply and keeps people from cluttering up members
boxes with needless direct replies.
This is one of those issues that will cause
dissension, and much has
been written about the issue on the Internet. I'm happy with the way
things are. Unfortunately, there's a lot of brain dead email clients
out there that don't handle mailing lists properly. I use Thunderbird,
which has a "Reply List" button when I'm reading messages from a list
setup like this. Quite neat, and I get the option of replying to the
original sender or the list if I want or need to as well. Works well,
when the list is hosted by a decent list server such as Mailman (as this
one is).
Yea, I do it right, but most others don't. I'm of the opinion that it should
be the default and then let people who want to reply direct make it the
option. Makes for some fun emails to the list too :)
Bryan Fields
727-409-1194 - Voice