what about the AMPRNET Roter at ucsd if someone do
ping for that address will it pass it ? or ignore it ?
It would pass it. However, that restriction has nothing to do with
how packets get routed through other networks. It's all about hosts
on your local network being able to speak to each other.
The subnet mask you use tells your hosts if the IP address on an
outbound packet is on your local subnet and should be discovered at
layer 2 with ARP, or if it's on a different network and needs to be
forwarded through a router (typically a default gateway) to get to its
destination. It all has to do with binary math. An IP address is
made up of 32 bits and the netmask tells your hosts where the bits for
defining your network stop and the bits for identifying your specific
hosts begin. In your case, your /29 means the first 29 bits define
your network address and the remaining 3 bits are used for your hosts.
Three bits can represent eight different values. The problem is, the
highest host address (where all the host bits are 1s instead of 0s) is
reserved in the protocol as a broadcast address and any packet
addressed to it from your local network would get sent to every other
host on your local network. A host address with all 0 bits is
reserved in the protocol for identifying the network itself and cannot
be used to identify a host. This leaves only six usable host address
which also need to be used for any routers on the network such as your
default gateway.
If you have more than five hosts and one router, the next larger
network you could get is a /28 which uses four host bits. Four bits
can represent 16 different values which would give you 14 usable host