Well, I think there are enough examples of how to do it (also already
doing it within AMPRnet),
lots of people who can contribute knowledge and will volunteer to help,
the only thing we lack
here in this group is someone (with the appropriate authority) who says
"Lets' do that!" and
gets everyone moving.
That is why these discussions usually go on for a couple of days here,
then die out, and
nothing ever changes. We are still running the same system as 25 years
ago, with only
the addition of RIP auto route distribution.
This gets worse over time, as those who would like to change things see
this and leave, and
in the end we only have a number of old hats left who don't change anything.
That does not improve our reputation... sometimes newcomers ask "why do
we use that
method when it is so difficult to implement and it can all be done so
much easier", and the
only response can be "don't ask...".