On 10/07/2016 4:57 PM, R P wrote:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
Hi there
Since yesterday I have a Raspberry Pi unit connected to Arduino doing MMDVM (a project
that allow making digital repeater from two analog radios)
I know that a Gateway can be done with raspberry Pi
1) What exactly needed to be done (some software to add to what i have now ?) in order to
deal with IPIP and make a gateway ?
It can be done. I'm running IPIP with a routing daemon (ampr-ripd) on a
Pi. I started looking at the wiki and followed a few links from there
to get it all happening, from requesting the IP allocation to getting it
all working. My
ampr.net system runs on a Pi 2. I haven't started on
the RF side yet, but plan to run a packet gateway.
can it run on RASPIAN ?
Yes (I'm using Raspian Wheezy).
2) what about making TNC from Raspberry ? i know thare is a board that stick to it and
make TNC ... Or (preferred) using the Internal sound card for making TNC ?
The internal sound is playback only on the Pi 1 and 2 series. I believe
the Pi 3 might have a microphone, but said not to be a high quality
input. You'd be most likely looking at a USB sound device. As for
myself, I'm going to go down the TNC-Pi route. I think that will be the
best route to take. Only annoyance with the TNC-Pi is they chose to use
a 9 pin D connector instead of a mini-DIN (which would have allowed me
to use a simple straight through cable). But that's just a minor
73 de Tony VK3JED/VK3IRL