(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
Hey Brian,
None that I'm aware of; the large number of
registered addresses makes it
rather impractical to poll all of them at any sort of reasonable frequency.
would agree that if we had to scan the entire 44/8, that would be a mess but I think that
if we took the encaps file as a start and then scanned those IPs, it wouldn't take
long at all. Then it comes down to doing a cross-lookup to associate a
44.net IP with their public IP or some location field to figure out where these
active nodes are roughly.
It is no problem to scan the actual gateway stations, and this is already done.
But it should not be attempted to scan the subnets that those gateway stations advertise
being reachable (in the encap.txt).
The subnets are sometimes quite large, and you do not know what kind of link is between
the gateway station and the stations on that subnet. It can be a local subnet for the
station (in which case you will swamp it with ARP requests), or it can be a complicated
of interconnected nodes that will transport your IP traffic over all kinds of radio links
of limited