Sorry for the delay in response. When I came across the problem was that
I entered my username and password, and when clicking enter, I was
returned to the login page, like as if I hadn't made a login attempt. At
this point I thought maybe I wasn't entering the correct password, so I
reset it. The resetting process worked fine, however I still could not
login using the newly reset password. NO on screen errors.
10 +/- hours later, I successfully was able to login using the password
that was assigned. So not sure what the problem was, but it appears to
be resolved for the time being.
Thanks for all your hard work!
Willie, WJ3G
On 3/6/2014 9:48 AM, Chris wrote:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
I’ve turned on some debugging, please can you try again then let me know what the EXACT
error message you receive is?