On 2014-08-06 10:07, Rob Janssen wrote:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
More tracing reveals why the times are sometimes as high as I reported...
It first got my attention because commands like "netstat -t" and "ntpq
-p" took quite some
time to execute when 44.x.x.x addresses were in the listing, stopping
for each reverse lookup.
I had also noticed that "ping callsign.ampr.org" always takes some time
before it sends the first ping.
So I decided to investigate.
I used this command to time it: time host
It appears that when the callsign exists, this does two lookups, for the
A and MX record.
There is a big reason why people who know DNS always state to use the
'dig' command for any kind of diagnostics....
When the callsign does not exist (I also tested that),
it also does two
lookups: the specified
one, and the one with .ampr.org appended a second time. This is caused
by "search ampr.org"
in /etc/resolv.conf. It was put there by the Linux installer, I know
many Linux distributors do that.
(you specifiy a hostname and domainname during install, and it will put
the domainname in /etc/resolv.conf
as a search line)
That explains the long execution time of "host" that could not be
explained by a single lookup.
That explains the DOUBLE execution time.
It does not explain why you have LONG execution (well, lookup) times.
I think it is not very clever of the resolver library
to append a search
domain that already was in the query,
but maybe there are some cases where this is useful?
File a redundant bug with glibc, maybe they ever fix this ;)
Anyway, I removed that from resolv.conf as this
machine is not for
end-users anyway, and I don't
mind typing full domain names. It doubles the speed of all lookups of
nonexisting names, and reduces
the load on the
ampr.org nameservers as well.
It is maybe a better idea to use a more local caching nameserver.
This doubles the speed of the host command, but of
course the reverse
lookups are not affected.
When using those two local DNS servers first, they are fast. Bind
should learn and remember that,
I think.
If you are using BIND as a recursive server (check where
/etc/resolv.conf points to) then it will indeed cache a latency for a
upstream nameserver for a while and use the best one.
BIND (unless configured in forwarding mode) always uses the roots to get
to the final domain.
It is only good that
ampr.org DNS servers are around
globe, and a pity that bind does
not take that to an advantage.
BIND only has a history of previous requests, it does not know about
variances in network conditions or if hosts go down or not.
It does do that for forwarders, at
least that is written in the docs.
(this machine runs bind as a caching resolver and the nameserver in
resolv.conf is
How many users are using your cache? Unless other folks query the same
names, the caching has little effect.
Also with short TTLs little caching can be done as the records will
expire quickly.
You might want to enable stats and check them. Eg as per:
Also, do make sure you are operating current versions of software,
especially BIND has quite some security issues. Above all of course do
also make sure it is not an open recursor for the world...