Part of the beauty of our own IP address space is security provided by
knowing your neighbors.
I'd never run an open SIP or mail server on the wide internet anymore.
Spam filtering is a big headache.
Again, I'd firewall everyone but us for the mail port:
iptables -A INPUT -s ! -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROP
If you have a google apps account (free for non profits) you can use
them as a mail exchanger.
Set your DNS records, to something like this: MX 10 gvcity MX 20
Outside (non 44 net) IP will timeout with a direct connect to and will move try the next exchanger preference, in this
case google.
Google will accept the mail on your behalf, and they have good spam
filtering (better than I could ever figure out how to incorporate with
sendmail) and then I typically use fetchmail to transfer the mail from
google back into my local mailboxes.
If someone else wants to document a mailserver setup with spam
protection, I'm all eyeballs on that one. I'm sure a number of people
would appreciate that tutorial.