Il 22/10/2017 15:42, Brian Kantor ha scritto:
There are two gateway systems with misconfigured
tables that are attempting to route all of net44 through
amprgw instead of using mesh connections. These may have
a default route instead of using the correct routing table.
Whatever the case, they aren't going to have much luck
reaching other net44 hosts. Those gateway operators
should check their configurations.
- Brian
Last update at Sun Oct 22 06:30:01 2017 PDT [-0700]
gateway inner src #errs indx error type
---------------- ---------------- ----- ---- ------------------------------- 5408 [ 8] dropped: encap to encap 1349 [ 8] dropped: encap to encap
44Net mailing list
Hi everyone, gw has been out of control until today
01/11/17 because of my job injury that actually blocked me in the
system's monitoring and supervision activities. The system seems to work
on a regular basis today. I ask courtesy to Brian and colleagues to
report any abnormalities that should arise on the system from today. 73
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