Hello everyone,
I'm pleased such a community exists. I requested an allocation about three weeks
ago and am excited about getting connected!
The last couple of weekends I put two sdr receivers and a couple of websites up on the
public internet for a quick migration to the 44 network when a gateway is received and
configured correctly.
In preparation for things to come, I've looked at the 44net archives, absorbing what I
could. In trying to find info about using PFSense and other subjects, I realized how
tedious it was to manually open each archive to search every time an answer or guidance
was needed - so an index was made. I wrote a script to sort the subjects, etc. Also,
each month was dl'd, expanded, and all put into one folder for ease of searching. Now
I can search the index or grep all the files with one command. Maybe this exists
elsewhere - I couldn't find it. If anyone is interested, here's the index and
expanded files through mid-March contained in one folder:
Thank you and 73,