I'm not saying you can't be connected in more
than one way, I'm saying
that it's a special case that is unusual enough that it ought not to be
easy to mistakenly claim you're going to do. As far as I know, Rob, at
the current moment you're the only one doing this.
Hmm... disappointing. I would hope everyone who is BGP routing would be
doing that. I am not the only one, your gateway is doing the same thing :-)
A quick check returns the following subnets being both BGP and Tunnel routed:
Two or three times a week I get applications which
have simplemindedly
checked all three boxes. Most of these people have no idea what they're
asking for
Most applications of portal registrations I get are wrong or strange.
It appears that the thing is confusing to newcomers.
I'm open to any suggestion that will keep me from
having to go through
this process over and over again. Perhaps making 'Direct' a link which
brings up an intermediate page which presents a blurb about what checking
Direct actually means and demands that they confirm that they're really
going to get a BGP announcement from their ISP? Other ideas?
It could be done with a simple Javascript on the page that presents a pop-up
or reveals some explanation on the page when the checkmark is set ON.