I'm moving my 44net connection from an OpenWRT device to a BeagleBone Black, because
I've got a TNCblack to connect directly to a radio.
However, in testing I'm finding the 44net connection doesn't stay up, max about
36hours before a reboot is required.
Any ideas why this is, or how I could diagnose further. The device is always accessible
via the local WiFi connection.
Currently I've just got this tacked onto the end of my rc.local
#Start 44net
/usr/sbin/amprd -d -v 2> /var/log/amprd/amprd_err.log > /var/log/amprd/amprd_std.log
sleep 30
ip route add default via dev ampr0 onlink table default
ip rule add from table default
ip rule add from to table main
sleep 10
ping -Iampr0 -c10
gw.ampr.org > /dev/null
Device is on
m1bkf.ampr.org - sometimes!
Thanks. Bill (M1BKF)
Red to red, black to black, switch it on, but stand well back.