Greetings Peter (et al),
Sorry for being a bit off topic, could someone
please help me with a
current JNOS 2.0j.7 autoexec.nos file, I only have old 1.11 configs on
floppies somewhere but will need to find a working floppy drive first,
Thanks ....... Peter ZL2BAU
Here is the 'autoexec.nos' I run here on
At the bottom, I have included the 'access.rc' TCP and IP access firewall
This 'autoexec.nos' is used on a DOS machine. It will require a few
tweeks to have it run on a Linux box.
--- Jay WB8TKL
# autoexec.nos
# 040821 tkl - first cut
# 040822 tkl - Adding ETH0
# 040825 tkl - Added AX1
# tkl - Configured to work with NOS110 version as well as 111
# 041206 tkl - Also works with JNOS2.0a (for DOS)
# 051104 tkl - Including a better access.rc firewall
# 060305 tkl - Configured as new YPSI Hamgate (access3.rc local.rte)
# 080604 tkl - HG.LIV now CONV links to us (rather than us to him)
# Also changed 'smtp timer 900' (was 300)
# 'smtp maxclients 4' (was default of 10)
# And changed 145.76 interface to 144.93
# 080911 tkl - Changed TCP SYNDATA to off (cheap routes won't pass SYNDATA)
# Moved ann SMTP and BBS Mail settings into /nos/etc/mail.cfg
# 090320 tkl - Removed conv link to Monroe (they link to us now)
# 100309 tkl - Added link to MICONV
# 100315 tkl - Using experimental nos2a-nr.exe
# Modified autoexec.nos to support NetROM (MIYPSI WB8TKL-7)
# 120418 tkl - Changed eth0 from to
# = Chamged nameserver from to
### Memory and System Configs ###
isat yes
watchdog yes
mem minalloc 32
mem ibufsize 2048
mem nibufs 7
mem debug on
echo "***** Memory configured *****"
pause 2
### Station Indentity ###
ax25 mycall wb8tkl-4
ax25 ttycall wb8tkl-5
ax25 bbscall wb8tkl-3
ax25 alias YPSI
ip address
ax25 bctext "WB8TKL-3 (YPSI) Washtenaw County AX25 & TCP/IP HamGate
### Global AX.25 Parameters ###
ax25 version 2
ax25 maxframe 1
ax25 retries 10
ax25 pacl 200
ax25 window 1024
ax25 irtt 4000
ax25 timer linear
ax25 t3 0
ax25 t4 1200
ax25 maxwait 9000
### Global TCP/IP Parameters ###
tcp timertype linear
tcp maxwait 9000
tcp retries 32
tcp window 864
tcp blimit 20
tcp irtt 4000
tcp mss 512
tcp syndata off
ip ttl 225
ip rt 4
### Port Attaches ###
attach packet 60 eth0 11 1500
attach asy 0x3f8 4 ax25 144.93 576 256 9600 f1
##attach asy 0x2f8 3 ax25 223.40 576 256 4800 f1
attach netrom
echo "***** Attaches completed *****"
pause 2
### Configure the Interfaces ###
ifconfig eth0 ipaddress
ifconfig eth0 netmask
ifconfig eth0 broadcast
ifconfig eth0 descript "Ethernet to the Internet"
ifconfig eth0 tcp win 1024
ifconfig eth0 tcp irtt 50
ifconfig eth0 tcp maxw 150
ifconfig eth0 tcp mss 512
echo "***** Ethernet configured *****"
pause 2
ifconfig encap ipaddress
ifconfig encap netmask
ifconfig encap broadcast
ifconfig encap description "IPIP Encapsulation interface"
echo "***** ENCAP configured *****"
pause 2
# COM1 [144.93]
ifconfig 144.93 descript "144.93 MHz AX.25/IP Local Access port"
ifconfig 144.93 netmask 0xffffff00
param 144.93 up #130 (129 = down)
param 144.93 1 100 #1 Transmit delay
param 144.93 2 128 #2 Persistance
param 144.93 3 10 #3 Slot time
param 144.93 4 10 #4
param 144.93 5 0 #5 0=half 1=full duplex
param 144.93 8 1 #8 dtr
param 144.93 9 1 #9 rts
# COM2 [223.40]
##ifconfig 223.40 descript "223.40 MHz 1200 baud District-2south Backbone
##ifconfig 223.40 netmask 0xffffff00
##param 223.40 up
##param 223.40 1 30
##param 223.40 2 128
##param 223.40 3 10
##param 223.40 4 10
##param 223.40 5 0
##param 223.40 8 1
##param 223.40 9 1
# COM3 [phone]
##attach asy 0x3e8 5 slip phone 2048 576 19200 v
##param phone up
echo "***** IFconfig & Param completed *****"
pause 2
### NetROM ##
start netrom
pause 2
netrom alias MIYPSI
netrom call wb8tkl-7
mode netrom vc
netrom minquality 10
netrom interface 144.93 192
netrom bcnodes 144.93
netrom bcpoll 144.93
pause 2
netrom acktime 3000
netrom choketime 180000
netrom derate on
netrom hidden off
netrom promiscuous off
netrom retries 10
##netrom tdisc 0
netrom ttl 10
netrom window 4
netrom timertype linear
netrom irtt 15000
netrom nodetimer 1800
netrom obsotimer 2100
netrom qlimit 2048
###netrom verbose on
##netrom kick
echo "***** NetROM configured *****"
### Services ###
start ax25
start telnet
start smtp
start ttylink
start convers
start ftp
start forward
start finger
start pop3
start remote
##start http 80
##start http 8080
echo "***** Services Started *****"
pause 2
### Digipeating, JHeard, Beacons ##
ax25 bcinterval 1900
ax25 hsize 30
ax25 bcport 144.93 on
ax25 digi 144.93 on
ax25 hport 144.93 on
##ax25 bcport 223.40 on
##ax25 digi 223.40 on
##ax25 hport 223.40 on
ip hsize 30
ip hport 144.93 on
##ip hport 223.40 on
##pause 2
### ARP Settings ###
##arp eaves eth0 on
arp eaves 144.93 on
##arp eaves 223.40 on
arp poll eth0 on
arp poll 144.93 on
##arp poll 223.40 on
arp maxq 10
##arp publish ax25 ka8pog-4 145.76
##arp publish ax25 ka8pog-4 145.76
### Domain Name Service (DNS) ###
domain dns on
domain suffix
domain add
domain ret 2
domain maxw 60
domain translate off
domain verbose yes
domain cache clean off
domain cache wait 330
domain cache size 15
# cache for 5.7 days
domain ttl 500000
echo "***** Resolver configured *****"
pause 2
### CONVerse Bridge ###
conv hostname WASHTENAW
conv channel 81
conv mycall wb8tkl-6
conv interface 144.93 on
##conv filter mode accept
##conv filter
##conv filter
###conv link 3600 LIVINGSTON
###conv link 3600 ALCONA
###conv link 3600 MONROE
conv link 3600 MICONV
conv maxwait 600
### SMTP & BBS Mail ###
source /nos/etc/mail.cfg
echo "***** /nos/etc/mail.cfg sourced *****"
pause 2
### Routing Tables ###
source /nos/encap.txt
echo "***** /nos/encap.txt sourced *****"
source /nos/etc/local.rte
echo "***** /nos/etc/local.rte sourced *****"
# Gateway through a neighboring station
##route add 145.76
##route add 145.76
##ax25 route perm wa8efk 145.76 wpxd
##ax25 route perm n8kuf 145.76 wpxd
pause 2
### Firewall Rules ###
source /nos/access3.rc
echo "***** /nos/access3.rc sourced *****"
##echo "#### no access.rc ###"
pause 2
### Passwords ###
mbox password "12345"
remote -s PURPLE
### Miscellanious ###
source /nos/scripts/fkeys.scr
echo "***** /nos/scripts/fkeys.scr sourced *****"
##pause 5
trace 144.93 111
trace netrom 0211
strace on
history 15
watchdog on
log on
# ---end---
# Gateways-Access-FAQ
# /nos/access3.rc
# 20080604 tkl - Change interface to 144.93
# Start of ACCESS.RC file
# ***********************
# NB: The IP ACCESS and TCP ACCESS frame work is based on IP ACCESS and TCP
# ACCESS control files shown below written by VE3RKS at VE3UOW and by
# - This file should be sourced into your autoexec.nos file after all ports
# have been attached and defined.
# - This file also contains a handy summary of what TCP/UDP ports are
# commonly used.
# - This file contains information on the use of TCP ACCESS and IP ACCESS
# - All lines begin with # symbols. This is to allow this file to be
# sourced into your autoexec.nos after being edited for you specific setup.
# Lines that do not begin with # symbols are valid NOS IP and TCP ACCESS
# commands.
# Ports of interest for both UDP and TCP
# **************************************
# 1 - 3599 - SERVER PORTS limit access based on local rules UDP and TCP
# 7 - ECHO
# 20 - FTP-DATA
# 23 - TELNET
# 25 - SMTP
# 67 - BOOTP
# 79 - FINGER
# 87 - TTYLINK [Operator chat]
# 109 - POP2
# 110 - POP3
# 119 - NNTP
# 1234 - REMOTE
# 1235 - CALLSIGN DB
# 3600 - CONVERS [Only
AMPR.ORG domain should have access]
# 3601 - LZW CONVERS [Only
AMPR.ORG domain should have access]
# 1050 - 32768 - REPLY PORTS should be accessable to all <= very important
# **********
# TCP ACCESS is used to limit access to certain servers accessable by
# TCP/TELNET to specific ports. For example you may want to allow
# access to the SMTP server in your machine from all machines AMATEUR
# TCP access stops a connection to a server from being built at only
# the machine at which it is installed. If you want to stop a gateway
# from routing TCP/IP packets from specific addresses to specific
# addresses you need to use the IP ACCESS code!
# ### ###### ###### ############### ##### #####
# Permit all
AMPR.ORG and LOCAL domains to ports 1 - 3601
tcp access permit 44/8 1 3601
tcp access permit 1 3601
# Do NOT allow inbound SMTP connectins from the Internet
tcp access deny all 25 25
# Permit all to ports 1 - 3599
tcp access permit all 1 3599
# Permit all access to ports 3602 - 32768
tcp access permit all 3602 32768
# Deny all access to CONVERS ports 3600 and 3601
tcp access deny all 3600 3601
# NOTES: The preceding TCP ACCESS code is read in order. TOP down!
# Order is important. In reading from top down the first rule that
# satisfies the origination address and port requirments is the one
# used. So you should place excludes before includes for specific
# originating addresses then followed by global [all] includes or
# excludes.
# Example:
# tcp access permit all 1 32768
# tcp access deny 3600 3601 <= should be first line
# This would not deny access to convers server as the first
# rule would satisfy the test to allow, but reversing the order would!
# *********
# IP ACCESS is an important bit of code for a INTERNET/AMPRnet Gateway
# as it can be used to selectively allow or disallow the routing of
# TCP/IP packets based on source ip address, destination ip address,
# packet type [udp/tcp/..], UDP or TCP port number and interface port.
# For most gateways you would like to only pass
AMPR.ORG originated
# ip address to other
AMPR.ORG ip address (like UK and AUSTRALIAN LAW).
# Exceptions might be where local law allows Amateurs to originate to
# anywhere (including non-amateur destinations) as the replys are
# technically under the control of the originator (like USA and CANADIAN
# law).
# The idea behind IP ACCESS is to set up rules that will allow or deny
# routing of packets. Unlike the TCP ACCESS command, IP ACCESS does not
# restrict access to servers at the machine that is running this code. It
# does however restrict the gatewaying of IP packets accross interface
# ports.
# Valid PROTOCOLS are ICMP, UDP, TCP, and ANY (every thing else). Both
# ICMP and ANY do not allow specific port restrictions as port numbers
# are not really used for the other TCP/IP protocols.
# WHAT = <permit | deny | delete>
# PROT = <tcp | icmp | udp | any>
# LOW = TCP or UDP low port number
# HIGH = TCP or UDP high port number
# Below I use the following pseudo PORT names:
# AX0 = ax25 rf port
# AX1 = ax25 rf port
# AX3 = AXIP psuedo ax25 port
# BBS = SLIP port to an attached bbs
# MODEM = SLIP port to a telphone modem
# ETH0 = PACKET interface to ethernet card
# ENCAP = ENCAP routing interface
# ## ###### ###### #### ############# ############### ##### ###### ######
ip access permit icmp 44/8 all 144.93 1 32768
### ip access permit icmp 44/8 all 147.58 1 32768
# ip access permit icmp all all ax3 1 32768
# ip access permit icmp all all bbs 1 32768
ip access permit icmp all all eth0 1 32768
ip access permit icmp all all encap 1 32768
# ip access permit icmp all all modem 1 32768
ip access permit udp 44/8 all 144.93 1 32768
### ip access permit udp 44/8 all 147.58 1 32768
# ip access permit udp all 44.bbb.ccc.ddd ax2 1 32768
# The above line allow a machine 44.bbb.ccc.ddd to receive UDP datagrams
# from any source over a channel that would normally only allow 44/8 sources
# ip access permit udp all all ax3 1 32768
# ip access permit udp all all bbs 1 32768
ip access permit udp all all eth0 1 32768
ip access permit udp all all encap 1 32768
# ip access permit udp all all modem 1 32768
# TCP will allow TCP client-server packets to be passed
ip access permit tcp 44/8 all 144.93 1 32768
ip access permit tcp all 44/8 144.93 1000 3599
ip access permit tcp all 44/8 144.93 3602 32768
### ip access permit tcp 44/8 all 147.58 1 32768
# ip access permit tcp all 44.bbb.ccc.ddd ax1 25 25
# The above line allow a machine 44.bbb.ccc.ddd to receive incoming SMTP
# from any source over a channel that would normally only allow 44/8 sources
# ip access permit tcp all all ax3 1 32768
# ip access permit tcp all all bbs 1 32768
ip access permit tcp all all eth0 1 32768
ip access permit tcp all all encap 1 32768
# ip access permit tcp all all modem 1 32768
# ANY will allow AXIP, IPIP etc!
# ip access permit any 44/8 44.bbb.ccc.ddd ax1 1 32768
# The above line allow a machine 44.bbb.ccc.ddd to receive incoming axip
# from 44/8 sources over a channel that would normally not allow axip
# ip access permit any all all ax3 1 32768
# ip access permit any all all bbs 1 32768
ip access permit any all all eth0 1 32768
ip access permit any all all encap 1 32768
# ip access permit any all all modem 1 32768
# Allow FINGER (port 79) from to any
ip access permit any all 144.93 79
# Block anything from AMPRGW/Mirrorshades (such as RIP2 updates)
ip access deny any all eth0 1 32768
# The default rule is to deny all that are not allowed above.
# ---end of file access.rc---