At 20:10z, routing broadcasts reaching here OK:
20:10:17.754403 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 52, id 25483, offset 0, flags [none], proto IPIP (4),
length 552) > IP (tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 0, offset 0, flags
[none], proto UDP
(17), length 532) > [no cksum]
73, Mark, N2MH
On 5/24/21 1:25 PM, Marc, LX1DUC wrote:
Good afternoon,
Since this morning it seems that no RIP broadcasts are reaching the commercial IP address
of my GW.
I've running ampr-ripd-2.4 in debug and verbose more for all of the afternoon, but I
see nothing. I also checked the firewall rules (there are none) and also tried tracing
packets with tshark.
None of the methods should any RIP UDP packets arriving at my GW. The GW entry seems to
exist at least since 2020-11-11 14:16:42, so it's not a new entry.
A tracepath from the GW to stops at
Did anybody notice anything similar?
73 de Marc, LX1DUC