But purposely block the for-profit corporations? Not cool and shortsighted.
On 6/20/2024 9:36 PM, Brian Wall wrote:
Non-profit can still be corporate experience. There
are many large corporate non-profits; healthcare being one. Many skilled IT directors in
healthcare networks.
> On Jun 20, 2024, at 9:32 PM, Charles J. Hargrove <n2nov(a)n2nov.net> wrote:
> "Experience working with nonprofits and/or open-source technology projects is
> In other words, if you come from a corporate background then don't bother.
> The last few months have shown us that they absolutely need corporate experience!
>> On 6/20/2024 5:13 PM, Rebecca Key via groups.io wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> We are currently hiring for the role of Technology Department Manager. If
you're interested in applying, send a resume and cover letter to hr(a)ardc.net
<mailto:hr@ardc.net>. Please ensure that your documentation includes your amateur
radio call sign, and be sure to send all files (including a cover letter) as a PDF
attachment without spaces in the file name (e.g., jane-doe-cover-letter.pdf).
>> To learn more about the role, check out our latest blog post:
>> 73,
>> Rebecca
Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
NYC-ARECS/RACES Nets 441.100/136.5 PL
ARnewsline Broadcast Mon. @ 8:00PM
NYC-ARECS Weekly Net Mon. @ 8:30PM
NY-NBEMS Net Saturdays @ 10AM & USeast-NBEMS Net Wednesdays @ 7PM
on 7.036 Mhz USB (alt 3.536)/1500 hz waterfall spot; MFSK-16 or 32
"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls
by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." - Ronald Reagan
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying
(The work praises the man.)
"No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it
provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." - Ronald Reagan