Użytkownik VK4FQ/VK4TTT Sam napisał:
Having issues attaching axip and axupd tunnels with the lastest version of jnos.
If anyone has a working config I could use as a reference please email me
ALso looking for examples of forward.bbs when forwarding woth a fbb system
would also be helpful
Thankyou in advance
# autoexec.nos
szczecin.ampr.org []
# 29.03.2005 uruchomiono 2 porty
# 144.800 aprs APRS i 144.900 user AX25,TCP/IP
ip address
domain suffix
#attended on
# AX.25 parameters
ax25 mycall SR1BSZ-10
ax25 alias POL025
# Not -> run saupp-1.62a
#convers channel 0
#convers host Szczecin
#convers link 3600 London_UK
#convers setinfo on
ax25 bbscall SR1BSZ-5
ax25 paclen 255
ax25 maxframe 2
ax25 ret 5
ax25 irtt 10000
ax25 timer original
ax25 blimit 30
ax25 maxwait 90000
ax25 t4 3600
ax25 hsize 0
ax25 bcinterval 2700
# Wpisalem na koncu wlasciwy pod wzgledem APRS
#ax25 bctext " TCP/IP szczecin.ampr.org& AX.25, Szczecin, JO73GK"
# TCP parameters
#tcp mss 216
tcp mss 1460
#tcp win 1080
tcp window 5840
tcp timer expo
tcp blimit 31
# 5
tcp maxwait 30000
tcp retries 5
tcp irtt 3500
tcp syn on
ip hsize 0
# Wazne !!!!
attach asy ttype - slip link 1024 256 38400
# attach asy ttya0 - ax25 vhf 1024 256 38400
# ifc vhf description "APRS Radio Port SP1LOP, QRG 144.800MHz"
attach asy ttya0 - ax25 aprs 1024 256 38400
ifc aprs description "APRS Radio Port, 144.800 MHz, 1k2bps"
# attach asy ttya1 - ax25 uhf 1024 256 38400
# ifc uhf description "User Radio Port SR1BSZ-5, QRG 144.900MHz, 1200bps"
attach asy ttya1 - ax25 user 1024 256 38400
ifc user description "User Radio Port, 144.900 MHz, 1k2bps"
route addprivate link
route add 44/8 link
attach axip xnet 256 sr1dsz
ifc xnet description "Link to Digi Szczecin, SR1DSZ"
ifc xnet ax25 bbscall sr1bsz-5
ifc xnet ax25 paclen 256
asyconfig link rxq 10
asyconfig link txq 10
ifconfig link ip
ifconfig link netmask 0xffffffff
ifconfig link description "Link"
ip hport link on
# adres lokalnego routera Internet
route add default link
# ARP 30.09.2004 utworzony
arp maxq 3
arp eaves user on
arp poll user on
arp add ax25 SP1CDU-5 user
arp add ax25 SP1WSC user
arp add ax25 SP1WSC-8 aprs
domain cache wait 3000
domain cache size 10
domain cache clean off
domain maxwait 600
# adresy lokalnych NameServers !
#domain addserver
domain addserver 20
#domain addserver
domain dns on
domain subnet on
domain translate off
domain update on
domain trace off
domain verbose on
domain retries 2
# Wpisz IP adres swojego serwera bramki najczesciej jest to IP linuxa
smtp gate
#smtp ga sp1lop.szczecin.pl
start smtp
smtp batch off
smtp mode route
smtp usemx on
#smtp usemx off
smtp maxclients 20
smtp timer 900
smtp tdisc 300
smtp trace 0
smtp t4 600
smtp quiet off
smtp dtimeout 1
smtp kick
expire 24
expire now
mbox timer 900
#mbox kick
# respond to FTP requests
start ftp
ftype bin
ftptdisc 1200
start telnet
echo accept
# respond to POP3 requests
start pop3
# respond to AX.25 connections to the BBS alias
start ax25
# keep last 5 commands
history 10
# activate the forward !!!!!!!
start forward
#start ttylink
#mbox secure on
# blokuje dostep po ax25 do xnet i netrom
# Aliasy
# mbox alias ab6qv "telnet"
mbox alias STATaprs "faprsstat(a)szczecin.ampr.org"
#mbox alias SYSOP "telnet"
mbox alias CONV "telnet 3600"
mbox alias WX "d pogoda.txt"
# do DXC PI5EHV-8
#mbox alias padxc "telnet 8000"
#mbox alias EADXC "telnet 8000"
mbox alias DXC "telnet 9000"
mbox alias XNET "c xnet sr1dsz"
mbox alias DOSTEP "d dostep"
mbox alias ACCESS "d access"
mbox alias BBS "c xnet sr1bsz-8 sr1dsz"
mbox sendquery on
mbox tmsg "Welcome to the Gateway [] in Szczecin JO73GK - Poland\nUse
your Callsign and Password - Wpisz swoj znak i haslo\n"
mbox tdisc 0
mbox nrid on
#gate tdisc 0
# tylko w jnos 1.11.f bezczynnosc 0 wylacza 900 -> sekund
mbox maxu 60
# resetowanie mxuser z konsoli wpisac tylko: mbox reset ""
mbox register on
# zbedna komenda register dla jnos-2.0c4, ale aktywna dla 2.0c4pl
mbox showalias on
#mbox fbb 2 # zmiana na 0 24.10.2007 g.12:00
mbox fbb 0
mbox header on
mbox trace on
mbox register on
# Dane do forwardu
# forwarding parameters and information
# Hierarchiczny adres dla poczty AX25
mbox haddress "SR1BSZ.#ZPM.POL.EU"
# Nazwa miasta
mbox qth "Szczecin"
#escape ^K=0x0b a ^T = 0x1d
# Linie ponizej dla pobierania News'ow z Wlocalawka
#start nntp
#nntp add 14000 ampr.pol.linux ampr.pol.tcpip ampr.pol.all ampr.pol.nntp
pl.rec.radio.amatorskie ampr.bbs.pol ampr.bbs.eu ampr.bbs.amsat
mbox fwdinfo "JNOS-2.0i/Linux"
mbox smtptoo off
# wylacza naglowki z forwardu poczty.
#mbox mport uhf on
mbox mport aprs off
mbox mport user on
mbox mailfor 900
#mbox password "0123456789"
mbox password "[poiuytr"
oldbid 24 21
bull check on
bull date on
bull return on
bull loop 2
# Uruchomienie NET/ROM
start netrom
attach netrom
netrom alias POL025
netrom call sr1bsz-5
netrom nodetimer 1800
netrom obsotimer 1800
netrom acktime 3000
netrom irtt 60000
netrom tdisc 1800
netrom timertype linear
netrom nodefilter mode none
netrom retries 20
netrom promiscuous on
netrom g8bpq on
#--- Link axip netrom SR6DBA-5 ---
#attach axip dba 256 sr6dba-5
#ifc dba description "Link netrom to SR6DBA-5, Bogatynia"
#netrom interface dba 64
#netrom bcpoll dba
#netrom bcnodes dba
#--- Link axip netrom SR8BBS-5 ---
attach axip lub 256 sr8bbs-5
ifc lub description "Link netrom to SR8BBS-5, Lublin"
netrom interface lub 230
netrom bcpoll lub
netrom bcnodes lub
#--- Link axip netrom SP7YDD-5 ---
attach axip elk 256 sp7ydd-5
ifc elk description "Link netrom to SP7YDD-5 Elk"
netrom interface elk 230
netrom bcpoll elk
netrom bcnodes elk
#--- Link axip netrom VE2HAR-7 ---
attach axip can 256 ve2har-7
ifc can description "Link netrom to VE2HAR-7 Laval, QC, Canada"
netrom interface can 64
netrom bcpoll can
netrom bcnodes can
# Dla komendy: AT -> na koncu komendy obowiazkowo wpisac
# znak '+' dla odswierzania sie komendy
#at 2200 "mbox reset \"user dd1go pass 1891\"+"
# at 0800 "aprs flags +digi +debugdigi+"
#at 0101 "aprs flags +debugdigi+"
#at k<Nr_ID_polecenia_At> kasuje wpis at....
at 0300 "expire 24+"
at 0301 "expire now+"
at 0305 "oldbid 24 21+"
# at 2000 "aprs flags -digi -debugdigi+"
#at 0601 "aprs flags -debugdigi+"
#convers inter link on # tylko jnos 1.11f
#callserver host 1235
#callserver host
start finger
log on
# usuwanie beaconu i info o mailach z netrom dla portow:
ax25 bcport can off
ax25 bcport aprs off
ax25 bcport lub off
#ax25 bcport dwi off
ax25 digi aprs on
ax25 digi user on
mbox mport can off
mbox mport aprs off
mbox mport lub off
#mbox mport dwi off
# Czesc dla APRS NOSaprs 2.0cPL w JNOS 2.0ePL
aprs log /home/hamradio/nos/aprs/aprs.log
# Nowa opcja dla JNOS-2.0c3& NOS-2.00 dodano FILTROWANIE
# aprs logon call ve4klm-10
# Szczecin is at Lat 53d27m, Long 014d32m
# uncomment the following if you want a filter setup
# aprs logon filter r/54/15/200
#dla wersji JNOS-2.0c3& NOS-1.16+
#aprs logon sp1lop
# Dla wersji JNOS-2.0c4& NOS-2.00 i nowsze
#aprs logon call sr1bsz-4
aprs logon call SR1NRE
# filtr 75km od pozycji: 53.30N 014.30E
#aprs logon filter "a/54.27/14.1/53/16.3 a/53/14.05/52.38/14.54 a/53/14.54/52.5/15.45
aprs logon filter "m/2 b/SP1WSW*/SP1LOP*"
# ustawienie route WIDE2-2 dla portu aprs APZ200
#ax25 route add APZ200 aprs SP2-1 RFONLY
ax25 route add APZ200 aprs SP2-1
#ax25 xdigi user aprs SGATE SGATE
#ax25 xdigi user aprs PCSAT-1 SGATE
#ax25 xdigi user aprs PCSAT-11 SGATE
#ax25 xdigi aprs aprs WIDE2-2 WIDE2-1
#ax25 xdigi user aprs WIDE2-1
# Dalsze bez zmian
aprs interface aprs
# Obsluga Stacji WX Nie obsluguje portu radiowego !!!
aprs wx call sr1wxz
# Zmiana znaku od 29.05.2007 z SR1NRE-5 na SR1WXZ
# Zmiana pozycji od 27.03.2007 stara pozycja 53.43963N 14.54747E
aprs wx pos "5327.37N/01432.46E_ Weather Station, Szczecin,PL"
aprs wx stat "NOSaprs 2.0g, CWOP-AR874, JO73GK49uh, ZPM"
aprs wx data "/home/hamradio/Pogoda/Current.wx"
aprs wx timer 20
# IF you want NOSaprs to broadcast it.s status and position
aprs bc pos "5327.34NI01432.37E& Szczecin - ZPM, sysop. Janusz SP1LOP"
aprs bc stat "Server,IGate,DIGI(R-W1,W,SP,DL),Msg_Center,WX"
aprs bc rfpos "5327.34NI01432.37E& Szczecin - ZPM, sysop. Janusz SP1LOP"
aprs bc rfstat "Server,IGate,DIGI(R-W1,W,SP,DL),Msg_Center,WX"
aprs bc timer 30
aprs bc rftimer 60
# IF you want a APRS heard table
aprs hsize 1000
# IF you are going to run a 14501 server
#aprs contact
aprs contact m"amprnet(a)mail.sp1lop.ampr.org"
# IF you plan on connecting to the APRS internet system
# Dodana opcje wykorzystania "user define port" 14580
aprs server add 14580
#aprs server add 14576
# IF you plan on having APRS clients
#aprs client add 14825
#aprs client add 14825
# IF you want to gate messages to RF using callsign
# filters - Be VERY CAREFULL how you configure this
#===== Ustawia filtr do jakich znkow bedzie transmitowany msg =====
aprs calls fwdtorf sp1* sq1* sr1* so1* d* o*
#=== Ustawia filtr od jakich znakow bedzie podawana jego pozycja ===
aprs calls postorf sq1* sr1* so1* d* o*
#=== Ustawia filtr od jakich znakow bedzie pokazane info ===
aprs calls stattorf sp1* sq1* sr1* so1* d*
#=== Ustawia filtr od jakich znakow beda pokazane dane pogodowe ===
aprs calls wxtorf sr1wx*
#=== Jesli chcesz zignowawac jakies stacje z RADIO port (aprs)do IS ===
aprs calls ignorerf NOCAL* N0CAL* NODIGI* SF1MID* SOOS*
# If you want to keep messages from internet system
# off the frequency for particular stations after they
# have passed through the fwdtorf filter.
# Jesli chcesz ukryc wiadomosci przed IS poza czestoscia dla
# poszczegĂłlnych stacji to oni przejda przez filter fwdtorf
aprs calls bantorf nocal* n0cal*
# IF you want an email mode other than .local.
#aprs emailsysop(a)szczecin.ampr.org
aprs email local
# A flag was added to the 'aprs flags' command. The flag is 'digi', and
# you shutoff or turn on APRS digipeating on the fly. So if things become a
# problem, then you can shutoff the feature instantly.
# For example : aprs flags -digi dot. [WIDEn-N]
aprs flags -digi -debug +badpackets -debugdigi
#aprs flags +digi +debugdigi +badpacktes -debug
# That should do it . START UP NOSaprs !!!
aprs listen on
# IF you want 14501 service
# dla wersji 1.11f #start 14501
# Dla wersji 2.0 -> APZ200
#start aprs 14501
# IF you want to accept clients
# Dla wersji 1.11f #start 44825
# Dla wersji APZ200
start aprs 44825
# Then use your internet browser, go to the URL below (Msg Center):
start aprs 45845
aprs calls ip45845 *
# Miscellaneous stuff and other notes
# Although APRS was meant for mobile applications, there.s no reason
# why those people running xNOS for their end user stations, could
# not configure a simple beacon on their NOS systems.
# For example, Bob, ve3tok, configured the following beacon in his
# JNOS, using the NOS .ax25 bctext. command :
ax25 bctext "!5327.34N/01432.36EI JNOS-2.0i(pl) AMPRNet Gate Szczecin,
# End Config
73 de Janusz / SP1LOP
===== Janusz J. Przybylski, SP1LOP ==========
Poland AmprNet Co-ordinator []