I run OpenWrt as my home router and AMPR Gateway. I created a separate VLAN for AMPRLAN
(per the Wiki). The routing information and configs are listed on the WIki. Ampr-ripd must
be cross-compiled (information on Wiki). Otherwise, I can only assist by providing a copy
if your CPU device target is apm821xx or ar71xx (your device appears to be a mips_mips32).
Roger, VA7LBB also runs OpenWrt, he may have ampr-ripd compiled for another target
I've ran OpenWrt on: Western Digital, X86_64, Meraki and MikroTik devices. I've
never had stability issues with it. Although, your router's last supported version is
10.03, I would advise using a device that can run the current 18.06.2 and newer releases.
Regarding LAN IPs, you can also customize NATs for any local IP you wish to use AMPR. Such
a config is more complex, and I have not configured that for normal use. I wrote the wiki
when only ampr-ripd or rip44d were available, using kmod-ipip allows you to firewall ALL
traffic on the tunnel interface (your option). If you have another border router doing
DMZ, just forward IPENCAP (IP Protocol No.4) to the OpenWrt device.
If you have any more questions regarding the OpenWrt Wiki, let me know.
- Lynwood
Per the Techdata page, your device only has 300 MHz processor, 32 MB RAM and 8 MB flash.
You should be OK on flash; but CPU and RAM may be a limitation. Also be advised, OpenWrt
doesn't fully support the closed source Broadcom WiFi driver.