1. OpenWrt is Linux; and my previous gateway ran Ubuntu Linux (no *nos) - I cannot speak
to other Routing Planes running IPENCAP tunnels. Also note machines running tnos have the
machine's kernel and userland software to possibly interact with a packet. I only
surmise without firewalls, some of the basic routing concepts apply to other Network
Operating Systems too.
2. We're running AMPR gateways, so routing would be ON - I'm lost at the remark
about IPv4 Forwarding = OFF. It seems as if you're suggesting to "disable routing
on the router". I can only speak for Linux-based devices that are also performing
functions as an actual router. Servers (i.e. with net.ipv4.ip_forward=0
and net.ipv6.ip_forward=0) merely receiving all of your IPENCAP packets should not apply
here. Even when I originally ran a Linux server as my APMRNet device - downstream of my
border router, I still had a /24 (253 other usable IPs) - so I've always had the need
to route some IPs.
You asked: Are these users trying to break into our AMPR hosts due to gaps in our
firewalls or are they exploiting incomplete firewalls to use them as relay hosts to SOURCE
attacks out on the Internet?
Answer: Both are logically possible with an unfirewalled router or device and/or policy
route isolation of the interfaces (in the case of a router). I described a scenario where
a malicious actor can use the asymmetry of the routing to get a login screen (e.g. of your
router or server) only accessible locally. It also seems as if DDoS is a consequence, or
the modus operandi, of some traffic (e.g. TCP reflections cause 100% open connections at
the router or a machine).
2b. These would be firewall rules to mitigate.
3. I have provided: tcpdump outputs and netflow records, the tcpdump command to observe
the nested IPENCAP and a netflow log of a packet which (had it not been firewalled) could
have double routed across my device - let me know what additional filters are needed.
Also, the device running the dump must be your registered gateway (to which these actors
are directing the traffic in this discussion), not a random device on the
tcpdump -vvv -n -i tunl0 proto 4
I haven't thought of a tcpdump to observe all Header 1 routing - as the vice versa
SRC/DST could be valid in some instances - this command only shows traffic entering or
exiting tunl0 without your IP...it will also hit FALSELY on the RIP44 packets, hence the
last part:
tcpdump -vvv -n -i tunl0 src net not and dst net not and not
4. I have posted the Second header scenario and it's remains available at the Wiki
page. There should be no 3rd header scenario - that's the malicious activity the
Second Header firewall rule blocks.
http://wiki.ampr.org/wiki/Firewalls (and see previous emails on this topic) - FYI,
there's nothing 44net-specific to the rules I suggested -
iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -p 4 -i tunl0 -j DROP
HTTP Rule (OpenWrt syntax - iptables-based):
config rule
option target 'ACCEPT'
option proto 'tcp'
option name 'AMPR_WWW'
option family 'ipv4'
option dest_ip ''
option dest_port '80'
option src '*'
option dest 'amprnet'
option extra '-m limit --limit 25/minute --limit-burst 100 -j ACCEPT'
Block first TCP packet not SYN (again, OpenWrt syntax - iptables-based):
config rule
option proto 'tcp'
option name 'Block_In_Not_SYN'
option src '*'
option target 'DROP'
option extra '! --syn -m conntrack --ctstate NEW'
(Also the normal SYN Flood and INVALID rules).
5. Yes you can have DNS records and not receive traffic from AMPRGW - just block it and/or
remove its route. Following the Wiki (for an Linux or OpenWrt setup), the only allowed
traffic from anywhere by default are routes from AMPRGW, so long as the machine's
default iptables rule is drop or reject. So it's alarming to hear inquiries like this.
This will not stop the actual IPENCAPed packets from the Internet via AMPGW for the IPs in
the DNS zone.
Please keep in mind though, the malicious traffic I observed did not originally come from
AMPRGW. I originally observed the nested IPENCAP traffic from a Polish Public IP
that's still currently registered as an AMPRNet gateway.
- Lynwood