Yes, it's on the same box, but because the two
boxes are on physically
different networks, I can configure them both to be without
conflict. One of them won't get any packets except those originating
on its own physical network, but they won't conflict. That's what I've
done; when the 44/8 route next hop is moved from old amprgw to new amprgw,
which machine serves to the outside will automatically change.
I think when you announce with the new gw address on the gateways
list (encap, RIP) and keep the BGP pointed to the old box, users
with a tunnel will connect to the new box and those connecting from internet
will get the old box, without any conflict or need to re-route things inside
the campus network. That makes it possible to test tunnels two-way.
But it is not that important, it will probably work right away and obvious
mistakes will be found and fixed within one or some days, which is good enough.
I have been doing quite some rebuilding lately, short downtimes sometimes
are unavoidable when working within hobby constraints.